Step 1Temporarily remove the pop-up advertisements and end bad processes:
* Push Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time
* Choose "Task Manager" in the Windows Security menu
* Click on the "Processes" Tab
* Search for the following processes: Antivirussystempro.exe, uninstall.exe (if constantly running), and sysguard.exe
* Disable these processes by clicking the "end process" button
Step 2Conduct a search on your computer for Antivirus System PRO files:
* Go to the start menu and click the search button
* Make sure you search "All files and folders" in the "Local Hard Drive" or C Drive
* Type "Antivirus System PRO" in the search box and search for all of these files including:
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\conf.cfg
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\mbase.vdb
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\quarantine.vdb
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\queue.vdb
* If none of these files appear, then you may have to search for each file individually.
* Search and delete the following folder:
%ProgramFiles%\Antivirus System PRO\
Step 3Create a backup file of your entire registry. One way to do this is to generate a system restoration point:
* Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Restore
* Choose "Create a restore point" and click the Next button
* Type in a name to recognize the restore point and click "Create"
Step 4Remove files from the registry:
* Click Start, Run, and type "regedit" in the available field.
* Hit the Enter key, or click "OK", and the registry editor should appear
* Select Edit, Find, and search for the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Antivirus System PRO
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Antivirus System PRO”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad “ieModule”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “system tool”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{BAD4551D-9B24-42cb-9BCD-818CA2DA7B63}
* If you locate any of these files, right-click the file and select "Modify" and "Delete"
Step 5Remove DLL files for those who have c:\WINDOWS\system32\iehelper.dll in their processes:
* Go to Start, Run, type "cmd", and click "OK"
* Type "cd", enter a SPACE, and type c:\WINDOWS\system32\iehelper.dll
* Once the file is located, type regsvr32 /u iehelper.dll and hit "Enter"
Step 6Search the local hard drive once more for "Antivirus System PRO" and "SYSGUARD" separately to make sure all of these files are deleted.
Step 7Restart the computer. If no pop-ups appear after restarting the computer then the malicious software should not be on your system. Double check to make sure the Antivirus System PRO software has not returned.
Step 8Repair any damages that may have occurred from the malicious software or deletion. Check to see if your desktop icons and homepage have been changed or moved.