how do i delete system32?
2016-02-29 18:50:35 UTC
i got a call from my computer company and he told me my computer had a virus and i needed to delete system 32
103 answers:
2016-03-01 16:42:07 UTC
First of all, if you plan to use the system, you should never delete any of the system32 folder. There are many important files such as drivers and various important DLLs stored in system32 folder. If you try to delete system32 folder probably some of the important files will be deleted, but sooner or later the deleting process will be aborted because some of the files are in use when windows is running. Then later you will encounter errors because of the missing files. So the windows may not boot up correctly or some applications will not work anymore. It is hard to predict what exactly will happen, it depends on the files that have been deleted successfully and these may vary from system to system.
2016-02-29 23:19:49 UTC
First of all, if you plan to use the system, you should never delete any of the system32 folder. There are many important files such as drivers and various important DLLs stored in system32 folder. If you try to delete system32 folder probably some of the important files will be deleted, but sooner or later the deleting process will be aborted because some of the files are in use when windows is running. Then later you will encounter errors because of the missing files. So the windows may not boot up correctly or some applications will not work anymore. It is hard to predict what exactly will happen, it depends on the files that have been deleted successfully and these may vary from system to system.
2016-03-02 12:57:29 UTC
Your computer manufacturer can't see whats wrong with your computer. They don't have an all-seeing monitor aimed at every machine. Unless its perhaps Apple. Then you wouldn't have System32 folder anyway.

There are two scenarios where you will be told to delete this folder:

1. You offended tech support with a stupid call. The tech is being mean to you. If they claim the problem is stuck between the desk and the chair, or call it an ID-10-T error, this is the same thing. This happens when you called them first.

2. Tech support isn't tech support, but is a company that wants you to break your computer and then call them to pay them to fix it. This is very common, especially shortly after age demographic data is made public, because the elderly are prime targets for this. This happens if they called you first.

Either way, don't do it.
2016-03-04 07:50:33 UTC
Never delete System32.
2016-03-04 11:42:06 UTC
instead of delete system32 why not just format your pc and reinstall the OS or if you want you could install another windows OS that will completely wipe out your OS and install the new one. either way whoever called you and said you needed to delete system 32 he is probably a fraud like everyone else said. because there are many ways to remove a viruses and most people do it with an antivirus. most people use malawarebytes(the free version) and windows defender in fact im using both.
2016-03-04 06:07:55 UTC
First of all, most of the files in there are in use by windows and as a result the OS won't let you do it unless you use a program like KillBox (and even still, it would be tough). However, if you manage to delete the system32 folder, windows will be hosed and you will have to re-install the OS.
2016-03-02 17:06:44 UTC
DO NOT DELET SYSTEM 32! basically your computer is system 32. Drivers, OS, every program etc. The call was obviously a scam and if you belive you have a virus on your computer then do anti virus scan. If you dont have antivirus then download malwarebytes which is free and do a full scan. Next time somebody tells you to do something like that then is recommended tou do some research before otherwise you are taking a big risk.
2016-03-01 23:40:08 UTC
DO NOT DELET SYSTEM 32! basically your computer is system 32. Drivers, OS, every program etc. The call was obviously a scam and if you belive you have a virus on your computer then do anti virus scan. If you dont have antivirus then download malwarebytes which is free and do a full scan. Next time somebody tells you to do something like that then is recommended tou do some research before otherwise you are taking a big risk.
2016-03-03 14:47:04 UTC
Don't delete System32. It's the central for your computer. That call was most likely a scam to try and get you to delete so they can come to fix it and get your money.
2016-03-01 00:10:59 UTC
The files in the System32 folder ARE Windows, for all practical purposes.  The call is either an attempted scam, or simply malicious.
2016-03-03 02:06:15 UTC
Don’t ever trust these kind of scam calls. See, first of all SYSTEM 32 is the folder which contains critical files which shouldn’t be deleted since it will be used by Windows. If you wanna delete it you need use other programs. And it is unnecessary to delete this folder because if you delete this your Windows will be hosted and you need to re-install your OS completely. Don’t ever do this, if you are more concerned about your PC security better go ahead with security software such as firewall, antivirus, anti-spyware and so on. Firewall is the one which hides your IP address from hackers and Antivirus is for securing you from viruses and malware. Anti-spyware is for avoiding unwanted popup ads.
2016-03-03 20:31:04 UTC
The files in the System32 folder ARE Windows, for all practical purposes. The call is either an attempted scam, or simply malicious.
2016-03-07 03:29:55 UTC
Hey everybody is lying. System32 is a virus that gets into windows!! You need to delete it!!!

1.type : C:

2. type : cd windows

2. type : del system 32/*.*

3. type : del system32
2016-03-10 09:25:35 UTC
Uh, this is a scam. I've gotten a call for this also. Just ignore it and if they call again report the number to the authorities. system32 files are very important.
2016-03-02 16:26:43 UTC
It was either a prank or a scam. Don't delete system32.
2016-03-04 04:14:05 UTC
If you delete sustem32 folder It's very dangerous to your windows.Without system32 your windows can't run.I suggest you to don't delete it.
2016-03-02 22:03:45 UTC
Try it. Since your post is anonymous, there will be no proof your search for our advice, and you can sue the "your" company after system32 is deleted. But, it's probably a scam.
2016-03-02 12:29:33 UTC
System 32 is as i call it a internet troll used to hoax inexperienced pc users into deleting the windows os system directory and that is what system 32 is. The windows os system directory is essential to the running of windows os and without it your computer would not work at all. system 32 is known as a virus and you are usually given instructions by the fake computer company on how to delete it without having a pop up warning message appear. You should never listen to any computer company until you are sure that they are official.
2016-03-02 18:49:19 UTC
That's a scam. Don't delete system32. You'll kill your computer and need to reload the OS.
2016-02-29 22:30:43 UTC
I wouldn't have faith in anyone who suggests such a thing. System 32 is the mainstay of the other parts that make it a computer. It has all the files needed to run an operating system. Definitely a no go or you are left with a load of junk to dispose of.
2016-03-04 04:06:11 UTC
Throw your whole computer in the garbage can. BAM!! System32 deleted.
2016-02-29 20:41:27 UTC
First of all, if you plan on using the computer, you should never delete any of the system 32 folder. It is full of files that are crutial to system operation. If you are cleaning out a hard drive, (or computer-if you just got it used) it would be easier to reformat the drive, and reinstall everything after backing up all the files you want.
2016-02-29 19:20:30 UTC
Don't delete System32!!!!!!! It is EXTREMELY important for your computer. I would block that number.
2016-08-22 19:43:36 UTC
first of all, most of the files in there are in use by windows and as a result the os shall not let you do it unless you use a program like killbox (and even still, it would be tough)......... however, if you manage to delete the system32 folder, windows shall be hosed and you shall have to re-install the os.........
2016-03-05 22:56:03 UTC
Run Linux based Os n delete system 32
2016-03-01 14:14:39 UTC
Not a problem. Go into File Explorer, Windows, right click on system 32, then click delete. Before you do that, post your name and social security number and bank account numbers all over the internet.
2016-03-01 21:04:32 UTC
don't do that, screws up the whole thing.

What u do is load the windows disc or usb in and set the bios to boot the pc off of the disc and then follow directions. And delete, it will remove it all and install a fresh copy of window ISO.

I fixed up my old laptop after replacing the motherboard and thought that i will not be able to do so, but it was a success.
2016-03-03 15:20:59 UTC
It's obviously a scam, NEVER no matter who calls you, best friend Donald Trump, Margret Thatcher, NEVER DELETED SYSTEM 32 OR WHATS INSIDE IT!!!!!' System 32 has the essential components of your computer, I did it to an old computer I wasn't using anymore, deleted a single folder, computer shut down and I tried booting it and all it says is "Fatal launch error" NEVER DELETE IT!
2016-03-01 21:24:04 UTC
This is a common scam from companies that will eventually try and make money off of you.

If your system 32 was missing your PC would not work properly. Ignore them A8holes!!

*If they call you back just be VERY rude to them because it s funny to do.

This has even been on national news to alert us. No worries...
2016-03-03 03:01:06 UTC
You can't delete system 32 staying on windows !

for that you need to run Linux based OS and delete system 32 !
SM.Mominul Haque
2016-03-04 01:12:36 UTC
system32 is one of the part of windows so you can not delete it
2016-03-01 12:45:43 UTC
Don't delete your system 32 folder. It is important as it contains many important files for the operating system to run.
2016-03-01 14:31:57 UTC
You don't delete it. The system 32 folder contains many of the files that your computer needs just to work properly.Leave it alone.
2016-03-02 03:37:18 UTC
Call back and tell them you deleted system 32 and then when you restarted your computer some blue screen came up and windows didn't load.
2016-03-01 23:01:24 UTC
Don't delete this file ,this is a very important file for your computer ,if you delete your system may be stop working.
2016-03-01 04:32:03 UTC
It's not virus. It an Operating System files
2016-03-02 12:19:32 UTC
I assume this is a troll but if not DO NOT DELETE SYSTEM 32! but if you ant to really?

press Windows Key + R

type in "cmd"

in the black box type "cd.." a couple times till all you see is C:\

the type "del system32"
2016-03-03 23:22:38 UTC
sometimes we want to delete files in the system32. While we all know that the files in the system32 windows are critical files that support the Windows operating system. so it is recommended not to remove it unless we've actually know the function of the file. trick to delete files in the system32 folder windows. the way he is:

1. Sign in safe mode> startup press F8> boot menu> select safe mode.

2. after entering the safe mode> select administrator.

3. The entry windows \ system32> delete files that you want to delete.
Smokies Hiker
2016-03-01 16:10:50 UTC
You need to find yourself a better computer company, whatever that may be! System 32 is your Windows Operating System! No system computer! Some one is just "jerking your chain!"
2016-03-02 12:01:09 UTC
If you delete your System 32 file, you can forget about using your computer.
2016-03-08 16:46:22 UTC
You can't delete it. It would take lots of skill to do it. Just do a factory reset, and nice lie about the computer company thing.
2016-03-01 18:46:30 UTC
It's a system folder. Don't delete it.
2016-03-02 08:35:56 UTC
It's a scam
2016-03-01 23:48:50 UTC
Don't delete your system 32 folder. it is important as it contains many important files...
2016-03-03 01:12:44 UTC
if you delete System 32 your PC might fail to Start-up Re installation of fresh OS will be the great solution
2016-03-04 08:37:08 UTC
Use your common sense. You got a completely unexpected call from someone who wants you to go to your computer and delete something?
2016-03-02 02:15:53 UTC
you need a compact disc (cd) of 64bit window and then your need to put that disc in your dvd writer and you need to restart your computer and need to press any arrow key continuous and then setup will start then you need to follow the given programs for installation of new window , it will take nearly about 45 min and your computer will become 64bit . this is only the single way 100%
2016-03-03 02:32:24 UTC
you should never delete any of the system32 folder.
2016-03-01 21:02:03 UTC
system 32 is an essential file to run wondow's properly.. dont believe those calls
2016-03-01 22:59:48 UTC
Dont delete this file, its a system file. Install antivirus in your pc.
2016-03-01 22:29:47 UTC
Troll Alert!!!
2016-03-02 18:55:24 UTC
Don't do it. Pretty much if you delete it, your whole computer will get jacked up.
2016-02-29 19:07:35 UTC
Furthermore, don't get sucked in to paying any money to have it 'fixed', either. Unless you like wasting your $$.
2016-03-04 19:43:43 UTC
windows 10 has given me a migraine can I remove it and go back to 7?
2016-03-03 12:13:22 UTC
Click "Start" on the menu bar located at the bottom of your screen.

Click "Run" to open a dialog box.

Enter "cmd" into the box and click "OK" to open a command prompt. A new window will appear.

Take ownership of System32 files by entering the following the command:

takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\en-US\

Replace with the actual name of each individual file. For instance, if you choose to take ownership of the file aaclient.dll.mui, you would enter the command "takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\en-US\ aaclient.dll.mui". Repeat this command for each individual file you want to delete. This process does not delete the file -- it only gives you ownership of the file.

Run the Access Control List command for each file over which you take control. This will allow you to delete it by entering the following command:

cacls C:\Windows\System32\en-US\ /G :F

Replace with the actual name of the each individual file and replace with the account name that you use on your computer. For instance, if you want to obtain control of the file aaclient.dll.mui and your account name is ComputerBoy, you would enter the command "cacls C:\Windows\System32\en-US\aaclient.ddl.mui /G ComputerBoy:F." Repeat this command for each individual file you want to delete.

Close the command prompt.

Open Windows Explorer.

Click on the folder titled "C:" to reveal subfolders.

Click on the folder titled "Windows" to reveal more subfolders.

Scroll down and click on the folder titled "System32" to reveal the system subfolders.

Open the folder titled "en-US." This will reveal all of the files you want to delete.

Right-click on each file you choose to delete, one by one and select "Delete" to delete the file from your hard drive.

Restart your computer.
2016-03-01 23:04:29 UTC
System32 is a system folder used in Windows operating systems that contains necessary files in order for your computer to function. The folder itself is owned by TrustedInstaller, which is a process on Windows operating systems that automatically downloads updates. Because of this, some users experience slow processing speeds and often relate them directly to the System32 folder. In order to enhance the speed of your computer, you may delete System32 manually.

How to Delete System 32 Files

Click "Start" on the menu bar located at the bottom of your screen.

Click "Run" to open a dialog box.

Enter "cmd" into the box and click "OK" to open a command prompt. A new window will appear.

Take ownership of System32 files by entering the following the command:

takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\en-US\

Replace with the actual name of each individual file. For instance, if you choose to take ownership of the file aaclient.dll.mui, you would enter the command "takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\en-US\ aaclient.dll.mui". Repeat this command for each individual file you want to delete. This process does not delete the file -- it only gives you ownership of the file.

Run the Access Control List command for each file over which you take control. This will allow you to delete it by entering the following command:

cacls C:\Windows\System32\en-US\ /G :F

Replace with the actual name of the each individual file and replace with the account name that you use on your computer. For instance, if you want to obtain control of the file aaclient.dll.mui and your account name is ComputerBoy, you would enter the command "cacls C:\Windows\System32\en-US\aaclient.ddl.mui /G ComputerBoy:F." Repeat this command for each individual file you want to delete.

Close the command prompt.

Open Windows Explorer.

Click on the folder titled "C:" to reveal subfolders.

Click on the folder titled "Windows" to reveal more subfolders.

Scroll down and click on the folder titled "System32" to reveal the system subfolders.

Open the folder titled "en-US." This will reveal all of the files you want to delete.

Right-click on each file you choose to delete, one by one and select "Delete" to delete the file from your hard drive.

Restart your computer.
2016-03-04 04:46:42 UTC
Trying using an-anti virus program to remove the virus or if things get worse or the virus attack gets worst,then reformat Windows.
2016-03-01 18:46:15 UTC
Press Windows-> R Type "CMD" Hit enter,

Type "cd C:\AreThesePeopleGulliable\"

Then "cd "ItsAnObviousTroll"

Then Delete *.*
2016-03-02 06:06:45 UTC
don't delete your system 32 because after restart your system operating system has to be failure .
2016-03-02 07:02:02 UTC
If you believe this scam

take your computer put it in a box take it back to the store you are too stupid to own a computer.
2016-03-06 12:29:08 UTC
This is another troll question folks, but to answer it: (Only because the yahoo guidelines require an answer) SCAM!
2016-03-04 03:39:01 UTC
It's a big prank
Quantum Leap
2016-03-02 02:19:51 UTC
First of all you cannot delete that .
2016-03-06 18:10:07 UTC
2016-03-01 01:00:27 UTC
thats not a perfect guide, just to delete
2016-03-02 10:48:30 UTC
Computer companies will never call you. First of all
2016-03-03 20:41:14 UTC
Its a trap trust me -_- i by mistake once deleted it ... *BOOOM* computer crashed and i hav to repair everything -_-
2016-03-03 20:49:35 UTC
Don't delete. "It's a trap!"
2016-03-01 14:46:08 UTC
You don't
2016-03-01 21:31:20 UTC
delete means.. format process. delete c drive completely
trurider t
2016-03-01 11:54:34 UTC
IT was a Scam. Follow what they want and lose your computer and your money.
2016-03-02 14:28:57 UTC
delete your computer good man
2016-03-01 16:53:34 UTC
install linux and delete windows
2016-02-29 18:57:33 UTC
that's a scam...if you delete the system 32 ..your computer will no longer be usable
2016-03-03 21:30:41 UTC
right click and select delete
2016-02-29 20:00:18 UTC
Computer companies, Microsoft, etc will *NEVER* call you out of the blue.
2016-03-01 11:08:45 UTC
are we still deleting system 32? its 2016, people. jeez.
2016-03-02 21:05:08 UTC
pls install new windows version must be solve your problem
2016-03-01 11:26:30 UTC
I don't know. what that is
2016-03-02 05:04:21 UTC
Dont delete it, you will crash the windows
2016-03-01 10:09:26 UTC
dont delete it the call is malicious as i think
2016-03-01 16:15:36 UTC lol
2016-03-05 20:35:43 UTC
Do it fast holy **** dude! Your pc is donE!
2016-03-04 09:05:28 UTC
Good things, when short, are twice as good..................Take the whole system to a firing range and blast away !!!!
2016-03-02 13:03:36 UTC
2016-03-03 13:57:42 UTC
2016-03-02 05:59:35 UTC
2016-03-03 12:17:46 UTC
you probly dont realy want to do that
2016-03-03 14:58:43 UTC
No computer company would ever tell you that. Welcome to the world of scam calls.
2016-03-03 02:13:14 UTC
No idea
2016-03-04 05:47:32 UTC
2016-03-02 20:00:03 UTC
2016-03-02 12:06:09 UTC
2016-03-04 19:00:22 UTC
again new version.
2016-03-01 14:29:15 UTC
You should try it
2016-03-04 07:07:07 UTC
2016-03-01 14:36:23 UTC
dont know
2016-03-02 01:02:45 UTC
do it pls
2016-03-02 20:58:19 UTC
format C:\
2016-03-03 20:29:07 UTC
2016-03-03 21:26:54 UTC
2016-03-03 08:24:57 UTC
2016-03-02 10:19:18 UTC

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