1.Restart your computer's operating system. Press the "F2" key repeatedly until a new set of menu options appears on the screen.
2.Use the down arrow key to highlight the option labeled "Safe Mode." Press Enter. Disconnect your computer from its Internet connection either by unplugging your Ethernet cable or turning off your router.
3.Access the Start menu and click the "Search" option. Search for the file named "W32/Almanahe.dll." Right-click the file that appears and choose "Delete."
4.Search for and delete the remaining W32 Almanahe.C files named "W32/Almanahe.sys," "linkinfo.dll," "nvmini.sys," and "IsDrv118.sys." Search for "Regedit" and double-click the registry editor file when it pops up on the screen.
5.Navigate through the registry editor folders to the folder labeled "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\RioDrvs." Locate the value at the right side of the window labeled "ImagePath = system32\drivers\nvmini.sys." Right-click the value and choose "Delete."
6.Delete the value labeled "DisplayName = nvmini." Navigate to the folder named "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\RioDrvs" and delete the value labeled "system32\drivers\nvmini.sys."
7. Navigate to the folder named "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\LEGACY_RIODRVS\0000." Delete the values labeled "ActiveService = nvmini" and "service = nvmini.".......