2012-11-07 12:15:57 UTC
Whilst i was browsing on my computer before i struck a problem. the website was taking ages to load and temporarily froze my computer, after two minutes it opened a new tab and froze again. 2 minutes again it was fine and then all of a sudden boom.. an alert message blocking my entire screen, preventing me from doing anything appears. It stated 'West yorkshire police, Your computer has been blocked, to unblock pay a one hundred pound fine to Ukash. now i'm no stranger to viruses. i don't have a fire wall or any protection as i cant afford them and ive used up a ton of free trials.:( i've just downloaded mal malwarebytes and i found 3 trojans in the scan. they have been deleted however, logging on in normal mode (ive been running safe mode whilst downloading malware bytes) its still there. as i said before im no stranger to viruses and i can usually fix them, this one is relentless i've deleted all the files that have been created today and i and its still there. i need some help please!! reading further down it says my computer has been banned due to pornographic imagery. now my laptop hasnt been on anything and i sure havnt either. if theres anyone there who can help please post im stuck, this is a fairly new computer and i cant afford for it to fail on me like my last one.. please please help.
Thanks, Ry