Well, 2 Noob like answers...
First: Hacker ethics isn't going to side with him because he's a retard...
Second: Why use Avast Virus Protection with Zone Alarm... ZoneAlarm has antivurs... ditch that bullshit.
Third: The description he is giving is of a Denial Of Service Application called CPU Hog. Here's a crazy list of Denial Of Service applications out there.
See Second "Cite"
Ping of Death is an attack that can cause a system to lock up by sending multiple IP packets, which will be too large for the receiving system when reassembled. Ping of Death can cause a DoS to clients trying to access the server that has been a victim of the attack.
SSPing is a program that sends several large fragmented, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data packets to a target system. This will cause the computer receiving the data packets to freeze when it tries to reassemble the fragments.
A LAND attack sends a packet to a system where the source IP is set to match the target system’s IP address. As a result, the system attempts to reply to itself, causing the system to create a loop which will tie up system resources and eventually may crash the OS.
CPU Hog is a DoS attack tool that uses up the CPU resources on a target system, making it unavailable to the user.
WinNuke is a program that looks for a target system with port 139 open, and sends junk IP traffic to the system on that port. This attack is also known as an Out of Bounds (OOB) attack and causes the IP stack to become overloaded, and eventually the system crashes.
Jolt2 is DoS tool that sends a large number of fragmented IP packets to a Windows target. This ties up system resources and eventually will lock up the system; Jolt2 isn’t Windows specific as many Cisco routers and other gateways may be vulnerable to the Jolt2 attack.
Bubonic is a DoS tool which works by sending TCP packets with random settings, in order to increase the load of the target machine so it eventually crashes.
Targa is a program that can be used to run eight different DoS attacks. The attacker has the option to either launch individual attacks or try all of the attacks until one is successful.
RPC Locator is a service that, if unpatched, has a vulnerability to bugger overflows. The RPC Locator service in Windows allows distributed applications to run on the network. It is susceptible to DoS attacks, and many of the tools that perform DoS attacks exploit this vulnerability.
DOS Detection Tools
DoS Scanning Tools
Find_ddos is a tool that scans a local system that likely contains a DDoS program. It can detect several known DoS attack tools.
SARA gathers information about remote hosts and networks by examining network services. This includes information about the network information services as well as potential security flaws such as incorrectly set up or configured network services, well-known bugs in the system or network utilities system software vulnerabilities listed in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database, and weak policy decisions.
RID is a free scanning tool that detects the presence of Trinoo, TFN, or Stacheldraht clients.
Zombie Zapper instructs zombie routines to go to sleep, thus stopping their attack. You can use the same commands an attacker would use to stop the attack.
FOURTH: He's a f***ing tool, no Government worker would be wasting time on Myspace like a loser... He's a moron.
If your PC has an Intel Processor you would survive a CPU Hog attack. It does get kind of hot but Intel Processors detect thermal events and shutdown before over-heating. Press Windows Key and Pause/Break at the top right of your keyboard together and it should tell you your processor type.