If you have a virus, you should download Malwarebytes.
Malwarebytes will get rid of just about everything.
Also download SUPERAntiSpyware. It will get rid of any spyware on yuor computer. Both scanners are like partners. Malwarebytes comes in with a big hammer and smashes all your viruses. While SUPERAntispyware cleans it up. That the best way I can explain it : )
They are both entirely free.
What Antivirus do you currently have installed? Do you even have one?
If not, you need to get one ASAP. Viruses are everywhere. Email, Webpages, Music, Downloads, you name it. And if you don't have an Antivirus, good luck keeping your computer alive. Even if you have a MAC or Linux, it doesn't matter. It's nearly impossible to avoid viruses without antivirus software. I just wanted to point that out.
When you get an Antivirus, do not fall for the hype and popularity of AVG. AVG is a nice little product. It does what it's supposed to. But it sure isn't perfect. It can not detect Rootkits. Rootkits are very bad. And you do not want them on your computer. As much is you may be told to, do not download AVG. It's detection rate isn't even 80 percent.
Download Comodo and Avira Antivir
Comodo is one of the best software Firewalls. You may think windows firewall will do the job. All it will do is sit there. It will miss virtually everything. Comodo has not missed anything so far in my 4 months of using it.
You also need Avira. Avira has a detection rate of about 99%
Comodo and Avira work perfectly together. If something were to slip pass Comodo, Avira would catch it. They are both entirely free.
Here's how to remove you virus:
First, Download Malwarebytes.
Then, run a Full Scan on your drives.
Wait until it's finished. (You may want to go play a game, go to work, or go eat while it scans because it takes a little while)
Once it is done, Remove Selected items (Your computer may have to restart) Once done scanning with Malwarebytes, scan you computer with SUPERAntiSpyware. Once that's all done with, your viruses should be gone.
Then download Comodo Firewall. (The free version)
Once it's downloaded, Make Sure to disable the antivirus part of it. Leave the Defense+ on, but turn the real time scanner off. If you don't, Comodo will Conflict with Avira.
Now download Avira Antivir. These combinations will protect you from further virus infections. Also, if you want to know what websites have viruses and which don't before you even click on them, you may consider trying MyWebOfTrust.
Good Luck! If you have more virus questions, I'd be happy to answer them.
What ever you do, make sure to download an antivirus! Preferably the ones I just recommended. They can protect you from computer killing, money stealing dangers!