I can relate to your problem. I had McAfee’s full sweet of software a year ago and had all kinds of problems. One of the most annoying things was the alert’s that you get when you disable a peace of the software. I have dealt with Norton on many levels and have to say I don’t like it. The system requirements are to high for what you get. In my opinion I would uninstall the program and get a different one; maybe without all the bells.
Here is what I would do:
1) Calm Down. If you read the email that you are sent form a bank or credit card Co. and feel that something might be wrong; call right away. Also, check the address bar: if it doesn’t look right, don’t stay. Last, never respond to any email that requires financial information unless you where expecting it!!!!
2) What you need to do next is to remove the specific program that causes all the problems. First open the start menu and navigate to the control panel. After the control panel loads double click add and remove programs. Scroll down to the main Norton program and click the remove/change button. The Symantec installer should load and give you some options. They should be remove, repair, or modify; or something to that affect. Form there you should be able to remove specific options or components. To uninstall all of Norton you have to us there utility and you have to do it in order. First the main program has to be uninstalled then you uninstall live update and subsequent services.
3) If that don’t work there is one last thing you can do. Now, I don’t know if Norton will do this but it’s worth a try: open the security center and navigate to the preferences menu. Under the preference menu there should be an area marked alerts, enter that menu. That menu tells you what Norton dose and doesn’t alert you on. You might be able to disable the alert that keeps telling you there’s something wrong. In witch case you might be able to live with it.
I’m no expert on Norton by any means, I tell most of my clients (I’m a certified IT Tech) to stay away form Norton because of all the little things that are always going wrong. McAfee has a decent program, though I wouldn’t suggest the top notch, I would do for the mid level for about $49.99. AVG has a very good AV program for free, they also offer a full sweet for cheep. It’s up to you on what you do; if it was me, it would be uninstalled thrown away.