Mesh network is vulnerable to privacy attacks because of the open medium property of wireless channel, the fixed topology, and the limited network size. Traditional anonymous routing algorithm cannot be directly applied to Mesh network, because they do not defend global attackers. In this paper we design private routing algorithm that used "Onion", i.e., layered encryption, to hide routing information. In addition, we explore special ring topology that fits the investigated network scenario, to preserve a certain level of privacy against a global adversary.
Multi-hop wireless mesh network (WMN) has attracted increasing attention and deployment as a lowcost approach to provide last-mile broadband Internet access. Privacy is a critical issue in WMN, as traffic of an end user is relayed via multiple wireless mesh routers. Due to the unique characteristics of WMN, the existing solutions applied in Internet are either ineffective at preserving privacy of WMN users, or will cause severe performance degradation. In this paper, we propose a light-weight privacy preserving solution aimed to achieve well-maintained balance between network performance and traffic privacy preservation. At the center of this solution is a novel metric called traffic entropy, which quantifies the amount of information required to describe the traffic pattern and is used to characterize the performance of traffic privacy preservation. We further present a penalty-based shortest path routing algorithm that maximally preserves traffic privacy by minimizing the mutual information of traffic entropy observed at each individual relaying node, meanwhile controlling performance degradation within the acceptable region. Extensive simulation study proves the soundness of our solution.
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Security in Wireless Mesh Networks
By Yan Zhang, Jun Zheng, Honglin Hu