what is meant by spam?
2006-12-28 04:33:54 UTC
what is meant by spam?
Fourteen answers:
2006-12-29 04:30:12 UTC
Spam is an e-mail message that is send to many people and floods Internet with copies. People don't with to receive it, but it is sent without permission. Usually spam methods are used for advertising and commercial purposes. It is cheap way to advertise services and products because it costs very little or doesn't cost anything. Everything is paid by recipient or the carriers. Often it's illegal.

Types of spam:

1. Cancellable Usenet spam;

2. Email spam;

3. Messaging spam;

4. Mobile phone spam;

5. Internet telephony spam;

6. Search engine spam;

7. Comment spam;

These spams differently affects Internet user. Target of Cancellable Usenet spam is Usenet newsgroup users. The spam message is sent to to all group of 20 or more people. Opposite to this, Email spam targets individual users. Usenet postings are scanned and spam message is sent directly to the owner of the address.

Messaging spam is often called spim in it affect users of instant messaging services, like ICQ, AIM, MSN, etc.

Mobile phone spam uses SMS to advertise their products or services. It's very annoying and sometimes costs to the recipient.

Unlike other spammers, Internet telephony spammers use voice based communication. They record spam message and flood Internet with it.

Does it cost?

Spam e-mail cost to those people that use phone connection for their Internet. As long as you are reading unnecessary e-mail, or waiting until it is arriving, the time runs and fee for service is growing. Further more, it costs money for ISPs and online services to transmit spam, and these costs are transmitted directly to subscribers.

Stop spam:

If you have already some spam in your e-mail box, you should know some things things that you shouldn't do. First of all never reply to spam and don't use the suggested "remove" method. It is also important that you don't go to suggested links. It's because when you take these action you confirm you e-mail address and moreover you show spammers that you read their spam! Sometimes it doesn't need this because if you get an e-mail with a little bit of coded graphics and your mailer fetches it, the spammer knows that you have opened the e-mail and verified this address.

The second thing that is advised not to do is that you should not buy anything that was advertised you by e-mail. As spam is illegal the offers might be fraudulent.

If you want to prevent yourself from spam, you should first read online forms before you fill them. If they don't ask you e-mail, don't write it. But if it's needed, use multiple e-mail addresses.

There are many websites that offer free e-mail services with anti-spam filter. It's also recommended to install some anti-spam softwares (like SpamBully, Control Spam, etc.) or to use advanced Internet filtering software that provides e-mail filtering function (for example CYBERsitter, NetNanny, etc.)
2006-12-28 04:38:47 UTC
In April of 1994, the term was not born, but it did jump a great deal in popularity when two lawyers from Phoenix named Canter and Siegel posted a message advertising their fairly useless services in an upcoming U.S. "green card" lottery. This wasn't the first such abusive posting, nor the first mass posting to be called a spam, but it was the first deliberate mass posting to commonly get that name. They had posted their message a few times before, but on April 12, they hired an mercenary programmer to write a simple script to post their ad to every single newsgroup (message board) on USENET, the world's largest online conferencing system. There were several thousand such newsgroups, and each one got the ad.

Quickly people identified it as "spam" and the word caught on. Future multiple postings soon got the appelation. Some people also applied it to individual unwanted ads that weren't posted again and again, though generally it was associated with the massive flood of the same message. It turns out, however, that the term had been in use for some time before the famous green card flood.

Later, some particularly nasty folks figured they could take mass e-mailing software (which had been around for decades to handle mailing lists) and use it to send junk e-mail to large audiences who hadn't asked for it. The term quickly came to be used to describe these unwanted junk e-mails, and indeed that is the most common use of the term today.
2006-12-29 04:54:19 UTC
Spam email or junk email is unwanted email received by the recipient. Almost every internet user will have received emails promising millions of dollars from corrupt politicians. Many hours are wasted due to spam email. However, by taking simple precautions while giving out your email and installing updated free software, you can prevent spam. More info available at
Helping Since 1969
2006-12-28 04:39:14 UTC

You've probably seen, heard or even used the term "spamming" to refer to the act of sending unsolicited commercial email (UCE), or "spam" to refer to the UCE itself. Following is our position on the relationship between UCE and our trademark SPAM.

Use of the term "spam" was adopted as a result of the Monty Python skit in which the SPAM meat product was featured. In this skit, a group of Vikings sang a chorus of "spam, spam, spam . . . " in an increasing crescendo, drowning out other conversation. Hence, the analogy applied because UCE was drowning out normal discourse on the Internet.
2006-12-28 04:37:41 UTC
Spam may mean:

Spam (food), canned meat sold by Hormel.

Spam (Monty Python), a comedy sketch involving the meat. The technological term takes its name from this sketch.

Spam (dance), a type of alternative dancing method

Spam (electronic), unsolicited or undesired bulk electronic messages.

E-mail spam, unsolicited emails with advertisements.

Forum spam, posting advertisements or useless posts on a forum

Spamdexing, manipulating a search engine to create the illusion of popularity for webpages.

Messaging spam ("SPIM"), use of instant messenger services for advertisement or even extortion.
2006-12-28 04:36:33 UTC
SPAM is usually referred to the junk mail that you get via e-mail. It's basically people trying to solicite stuff to you that you don't want. Most e-mail systems like Yahoo! have a button you can push to block spam.

Also, Spam is a type of canned meat, but that's a whole other subject.
2006-12-28 04:53:38 UTC
Spam is sort of meat, as in beef or lamb. But it's not beef or lamb it's just sort of some horrible approximation of it.

And if your normal you do not what it.

Spam as applied to Email is rubbish Emails you do not want. Even though you do want Email

If someone wants to know about penis enlarging products and cheap Ink Jet Cartridges then it's not spam as far as they are concerned, it's advertising.

For us it's Spam

You and I want Ham I think. That is - the real deal. Email we want to receive.
2006-12-28 05:17:05 UTC
Spam is a term used to describe unsolicited junk e-mail that is delivered to your mailbox. Usually spam has advertisements and other marketing gimmicks.
2006-12-28 04:42:51 UTC
Spam aka junk email, it's the email version of the junk mail you get stuffed in your house's mail box every day. I think they call it spam as some kind of acronym or something but I'm not certain. S.P.A.M.?
2006-12-28 04:37:46 UTC
Unsolicited bulk e-mail. Full description is linked below.
2006-12-28 19:12:16 UTC
Irritating useless emails that keeps coming back.
2006-12-28 04:38:24 UTC
advertising websites etc ie: go to this site to make money ....

just advertising a lot of unecessary crap (theres a lot of it happening on Yahoo)
2006-12-28 04:36:35 UTC
Shankar Ganesh
2006-12-28 04:38:34 UTC
Definitions of spam on the Web:

* To indiscriminately send unsolicited, unwanted, irrelevant, or inappropriate messages, especially commercial advertising in mass quantities. Noun: electronic "junk mail".

* is unsolicited e-mail. The term spamming is also sometimes used by search engines to mean web sites that try to gain a higher listing by submitting hundreds of almost identical pages or by inserting hundreds of keywords within a web document.

* Spam refers to electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. Some people define spam even more generally as any unsolicited e-mail. In addition to being a nuisance, spam also eats up a lot of network bandwidth. Because the Internet is a public network, little can be done to prevent spam, just as it is impossible to prevent junk mail. However, the use of software filters in e-mail programs can be used to remove most spam sent through e-mail.

* Unwanted, unsolicited email

* To crash a program by overrunning a fixed-site buffer with excessively large input data. Also, to cause a person or newsgroup to be flooded with irrelevant or inappropriate messages.

* (or Spamming) An inappropriate attempt to use a mailing list, or USENET or other networked communications facility as if it was a broadcast medium (which it is not) by sending the same message to a large number of people who didn't ask for it. The term probably comes from a famous Monty Python skit which featured the word spam repeated over and over. ...

* "SPAM" mail is the practice of sending massive amounts of e-mail promotions or advertisements (and scams) to people that have not asked for it. Spam mail is controversial and there are many levels of definitions for it. Many times, spam e-mail lists are created by "harvesting" e-mail addresses from discussion boards and groups, chat rooms, IRC, and web pages. Pugmarks strictly prohibits sending spam from accounts on our servers.

* Spam is unsolicited e-mail on the Internet. From the sender's point-of-view, it's a form of bulk mail, often to a list culled from subscribers to a Usenet discussion group or obtained by companies that specialize in creating e-mail distribution lists. To the receiver, it usually seems like junk e-mail. In general, it's not considered good netiquette to send spam. ...

* Non-Internet: Delicious "meat" in a can! Internet: Sending multiple, sometimes thousands, of unwelcome messages to a newsgroup or mailing list to promote a commercial product or Web site.

* Unethical techniques such as cloaking, mirror sites and doorway pages to trick the search engine spiders into giving the Web page a higher ranking. Search engines will often penalize or remove an offending site from its index.

* Unscrupulous or unethical means of inflating results. Usually deteriorates the quality of listings and often results in penalties or being banned from a search engine.

* Means unsolicited e-mail.

* The use of mailing lists to blanket usenets or private email boxes with indiscriminate advertising messages. Very bad netiquette. Even worse, it's bad business. The future of marketing online is about customizing products and information for individual users. Anyone who tries to use old mass market techniques in the new media environment is bound to fail.

* A spam message is an unsolicited, usually commercial e-mail message. It is also referred to as UCE, or unsolicited commercial e-mail.

* unsolicited electronic mail; the internet version of junk mail

* (or Spamming)

* as it applies to search engines, any attempt to submit or place deceptive information, or to "trick" the search engine into placing a page in an inaccurate position.

* Electronic junk mail.

* Internet slang for unsolicited bulk email, primarily unsolicited commercial email (UCE). Recipients of spam often consider it an unwanted intrusion. Internet service providers (ISPs), such as America Online, consider spam to be a financial drain and an impediment to Internet access because it can clog available bandwidth. Spam has also been linked with fraudulent business schemes, chain letters, and offensive sexual and political messages. Not all bulk email is spam. ...

* As a noun, an irrelevant message (frequently commercial advertising) cross-posted to many public fora (eg.: Usenet groups) simultaneously. As a verb, the act of posting such spam. The term is derived, obscurely, from a popular Monty Python comedy sketch that celebrates the pleasures of consuming a certain tinned meat product.

* Junk email, usually unsolicited. Top

* To send identical and irrelevant postings to many different newsgroups or mailing lists. Usually this posting is something that has nothing to do with the particular topic of a newsgroup or of no real interest to the person on the mailing list. The name comes from a Monty Python song and is considered to be a serious violation of netiquette.

* Unsolicited bulk email generally sent for commercial or political purposes, and always sent using an automated email program.

* Originally just a canned sandwich filler product, now this term is also used to refer to the practice of blindly posting commercial messages or advertisements to a large number of unrelated and uninterested newsgroups.

* Faith-Web is proud to have a strict "NO-Spam" policy. Sending spam is a direct violation of Faith-Web's Terms of Service and is cause for immediate termination without refund.

* a canned meat made largely from pork

* unwanted e-mail (usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk)

* send unwanted or junk e-mail

* SPAM is a canned pork product made by the Hormel Foods Corporation that has entered into folklore.

* Spam by e-mail is a type of spam that involves sending identical or nearly identical messages to thousands (or millions) of recipients. Addresses of recipients are often harvested from Usenet postings or web pages, obtained from databases, or simply guessed by using common names and domains. By definition, spam is sent without the permission of the recipients.

* Spamming is the use of any electronic communications medium to send unsolicited messages in bulk, indiscriminately -- unlike sending to a selected group in normal marketing. In the popular eye, the most common form of spam is that delivered in e-mail as a form of commercial advertising. However, over the short history of electronic media, people have done things comparable to spamming for many purposes other than the commercial, and in many media other than e-mail. ...

* Spam is repeated use of more than one grenade in one part of a map in the quake mod Team Fortress. It also broadly incorporates overuse of the in-game messaging system and excessive setting of detpacks (large-scale explosions).

* Spam is a popular Monty Python sketch, first broadcast in 1970. In the sketch, two customers are trying to order a breakfast without SPAM from a menu which includes the processed meat product in every entree. The term spam (in electronic communication) is derived from this sketch.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.