2008-12-27 15:01:39 UTC
so i thought i would open up spybot, but the spyware had already disabled it. i went to google to redownload spybot but when i enter stuff into google and click on it instead of going to the sight it opens a new tab and redirects me to yet more spyware. i decide to email myself the adaware link and manage to get that downloaded. after much frustration i manage to finally perform a scan without an error occurring. i end up deleting about 149 problems, but there are still hundreds of thousands of problems. but only about 30 or so malware problems in actuality. when i go to the internet to test to see if i got the problem, i come to see that i didn't. i open back up adaware and when i get to 15 problems the program crashes and i can't delete the problems.
oh and some other stuff is going on such as google chrome, internet explorer, and firefox are all opening popups even when they are closed. so they open themselves up and go to spyware sites. one time it nearly downloaded even more stuff to my computer.
so the symptoms are:
redirection from links in search engines
popups from closed browsers
slow computer(not very slow just a little)
it disables adaware and spybot
help please