If you really just want to remove it, just download Combofix and run...follow the instruction there and tell me the result
If you want to be adventurous,
the virus is already "nested" in your OS, there are various ways for a virus to be nested in a Windows OS, some are "deeply nested",where even system executables are infected, which the best solution would be backup all personal files and format and resintalling windows, some are quite hard to be remove manually and should be best removed with tools like Combofix, some virus do shortcuts and are easy to remove instead of running Combofix if you know how they work,I call these the "simple virus".
So here goes,"simple virus" once clicked ,needs to a way to stay "running" along with the OS,they cant possibly rely on a misguided user click everytime you boot up the computer. Your Operating system has mechanism to for programs to be run at startups,and they are called startup programs ofcourse, virus usually use these mechanism to run everytime your computer boots up,they do this.....blablabla....i really felt lazy and didnt want to continue this answer...if you want ,you can google more about it or PM me...bye