An IP address is what identifies your computer on the internet. It is how a website (like Yahoo) can pick your particular computer out of the over 1 billion computers in the world, and send you the page you request.
Your IP address is owned and issued by your internet provider (ISP). Most people these days have a dynamic IP address that is changed on a regular basis. You can usually force an IP address change by rebooting (restarting) your router/modem that was supplied by your ISP. Wait 10 minutes before starting it again.
In the USA, the only way to get an ISP to release personal information (name, telephone, address etc.) about a particular IP address is with a Court Order.
And Court Orders are usually only given out in the case of suspected serious criminal activity. I would expect the laws to be similar in Canada.
And your computer's firewall would (you DO run one, right?) would block any malicious attacks against your computer and its associated IP address.
Most of the self-proclaimed "hackers" are pimply-faced male children that need to get laid. They seldom have any kind of real "hacking" knowledge.
Good luck.