major Virus help please?
bob h
2009-01-10 20:32:26 UTC
Ok well my computer is running like syrup. i have norton 360, just got avast, ad-aware, ccleaner, registry booster, and ive done some reserch and it said to look i my system 32 and i found some of these fc.exe wuauclt.exe wupdmgr.exe, wowdeb.exe, winmsd.exe dllhost.exe, dllhst3g.exe. and when i try and delete them they literaly just come back in the same spot. same with on taskmgr when i end the process it just comes back....any help with getting these off my comp?
Nine answers:
2009-01-10 20:42:14 UTC
Here are a few tips to get rid of crap on your computer. First of all, you don't want more than one anti-virus solution on your computer. I personally love avast, and not just because it's free. I'd say you should uninstall Norton 360. Update Avast to the latest version (right click the icon, update program, update iAVS after program update completes). Restart your computer in safe mode (keep tapping "F8" as it's restarting and select "Start in Safe Mode"), run avast in this safe mode.

Don't go deleting random files in system32; you need many of them. Some may be viruses, but you can seriously harm your system by deleting the wrong ones.

I used to like Ad-Aware, but now i prefer to use both Superantispyware and Malwarebytes (google them; both have free versions). Again; install these, update them, then restart and enter safe mode to run them. Get rid of anything they find that's bad.

That should solve the vast majority of, if not all, of your problems. If not, you may need to reformat & reinstall windows. And for the love of god... back important things up!

Best of luck.
Levonne G
2009-01-11 04:54:09 UTC
If none of those answers or virus protection help you will need to do a clean disk wipe. If you have the master restore disk that came with your system first format your c drive by clicking the M.S. dos icon that will give a command line for formatting your drive it will look like C: at the command line. And if I remember right your will type at the command line format c: it should then ask you if you are sure and just say yes. Also depending on your master restore disk it might just have that already on the disk itself. Put the software in your drive and then power down the system and then boot right back up. If it already has a way to format the c drive it will ask you when you boot up if you want to do that. Once you do all of the Viruses should be gone, sometimes there are exceptions. But be sure to save any information that is important or that you just want to keep on a disk or jump drive. Because it will all be gone after the master restore
2009-01-11 04:44:18 UTC
Don't do manual deletions because that can damage your operating system and you are sunk. If you know the name of the virus(es), you can remove it safely. Don't do file names because some damage needed files by using same or similar file names; there are more behind the scenes stuff going on....

When you have the name of the virus - you should be able to find a tool to remove it on in the Virus Definition database.

Even if you don't have the name of the virus(es), 360 should be able to catch it in SAFE MODE (disables most viruses). Update Norton 360 by downloading manually the definitions and then installing them. If it won't let you install them, download the definition file and then launch the install in safe mode. Once updates, run a full 360 scan in safe mode.
Dave Computer Cleaner
2009-01-11 04:56:33 UTC
How to remove Fake Software, Pop-Ups, Spyware, Trojans and Viruses:

Download, install, update and scan your computer with both Malwarebytes and SuperantiSpyware, delete what ever they find, if this fails to completely remove the virus/spyware download then update Avast and run a boot scan (click schedule boot-time scan and restart your PC), all the software below is free and safe to use.



Avast Anti-Virus:

To protect your PC in the future you'll need to install anti-virus software and a firewall, id recommend using Avast and Comodo Pro firewall both are very effective and completely free, you should also switch to Firefox 3 if you are browsing with IE as its much safer and a lot easier to use. (links on my profile)
Joe G
2009-01-11 04:44:00 UTC
I suggest that you download Malwarebytes, and then scan your computer in safemode. This should find all the infected files on your computer. To run your computer in safemode, tap F8 a couple times while you computer is turning on.

You can download Malwarebytes here:

Joe G
2009-01-11 04:36:18 UTC
look them up one by one to remove them. sometimes, they are either not virii at all or they need special programs to remove them. also, i believe man of the ones you listed are windows system files and are needed by the computer. also, you may need to enter safe mode, as the reason you can't delete anything is that some virii create a 2nd user account with limited priviledges.
I Love Ubuntu
2009-01-11 04:37:43 UTC
those are system files. The reason your computer is running like molasses in january is because you have all kinds of virus scan crap.

just stick with two programs:

Windows defender (free with genuine microsoft windows

Spybot S&D (

Hope i help
2009-01-11 04:36:38 UTC
here is a list of online virus scanners (this is microsoft's) these are free and will remove them from your machine
2009-01-11 04:36:47 UTC
You spelled literally wrong...before i help you, you must help yourself.

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