How do i get rid of this certain virus?
2007-05-27 22:39:10 UTC
I have this virus in my computer and all i know about it is that its called like a "Adware/Toolbar.MyS..." if you made it or know how to get rid of it please help me.
Six answers:
2007-05-28 01:58:01 UTC
if it's an adware, it should be easily removed by anti-spyware. i can recommend spyware doctor

btw those toolbars can be part of some program you take as legal, like some search software, torrents or cracks, so be carefull.
2007-05-28 01:21:10 UTC
You can download some best antivirus

programmes like Norton, Avg at
2007-05-28 17:18:28 UTC
For all computer related problems please check out

It not only gives complete solutions but also offers

free downloads of effective softwares which can detect

and eliminate all spy ware /virus /ad ware /Trojans completely.
2007-05-27 22:55:00 UTC
Download "SuperAntiSpyware!"
Mark S, JPAA
2007-05-27 22:58:59 UTC
First, you will need to get some software programs to help you. The following programs are what I use personally. Not only do I trust them, but they are also free for personal use. The companies that provide the free software, also provide software that they sell for use in a commercial environment. Usually, the free versions are just as good but simply don't have as many of the extra features which make the commercial versions even more attractive to use.

Anti-Spyware Software

• CWShredder - You can find it at []

• Lavasoft's Ad-Aware - You can find it at []

• Spybot S&D - You can find it at []

• AVG AntiSpyware - You can find it at [] / []

Anti-Virus Software

First you will want to download each of the above programs and then install them. After you install them, you MUST update them so you will have the latest protection. There is one small exception: CWShredder is a stand-alone program that doesn't need to be installed, but you do need to have it check for an update to ensure that you have the latest version. If you don't update these programs and you are infected with the latest parasites, you will not be able to effectively detect and clean them from your computer, so remember to update, update, update.

Since spyware is a bigger problem today than viruses, and spyware is typically harder to find and get rid of, I suggest to start looking for spyware first. I also use the different AS software packages in a specific order so that I go after the tougher problems first and the easiest ones last. What follows is fairly lengthy, but it will take care of just about anything.

1) Turn off System Restore

• WinXP has a cool feature called System Restore. It is used to restore your computer to an earlier configuration in case of a problem. The only problem is that it wasn't made with parasites in mind, and often it can't tell the difference between an infected file and a good file, so it might automatically restore an infected file also if it had been in a protected area, effectively re-infecting your computer. Because of this, it is recommended to turn off System Restore before you test, and when you're done, turn it back on so you are still protected from standard computer problems.

Click Start.

Right-click the My Computer icon, and then click Properties.

Click the System Restore tab.

Check "Turn off System Restore" or "Turn off System Restore on all drives."

Click Apply.

When turning off System Restore, the existing restore points will be deleted. Click Yes to do this.

Click OK.

2) Carefully Look at Windows Add/Remove programs for suspicious programs

• Many of the spyware threats actually install into your system like a program. Many appear to be utilities that you may think are helpful but in reality aren't. Look for add-an toolbars, while toolbars like those provided by Google, MSN, Yahoo and other are great utils, there are many more that aren't and if in doubt check it out to see if ones you have are parasitic. Another common exploit are the Search helpers, WinTools, Gator products, IE Helper, Comet Cursor and many others just to name a very few. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) programs are another common source for these and even the ones that doen't come with spyware themselves are a security risk that may lead to your system being infected or to spread infections like these. Remove all suspicious programs, if you are wrong, you may always re-install them later.

3) Run Disk Clean-Up

• This actually comes with Windows and has been installed by default since Windows 98. You can find it by clicking the Start Button and then going to Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Disk Clean-up. I recommend selecting all of its options except the ones for Office Setup Files and Compress Old Files if you have them. While you may select those if you wish, they aren't as important. This will clean up all of the temporary files so your testing will go faster, and may also delete any spyware that may hiding there if the spyware isn't already running. To clear systems that have System Restore you will need to select the second tab and click the button for clearing this.

4) Empty your Internet Explorer cache

• Open Internet Explorer and go to Tools..Internet Options… and under the General tab, in the Browsing History section, click Delete… and then select Temporary Internet Files. This probably won’t eliminate any viruses but will make the scanning go faster.

5) Run CWShredder

• This is made for detecting and cleaning of the infamous CoolWebSearch exploits. Currently there are about 40 types of these, each with up to 4 variants and growing. These are some of the toughest ones to get rid of.

6) Run Ad-Aware next

• This handles the next toughest types the best. When it finally presents you with the list of parasites it has found, put a check mark in the box next to the ones you want to get rid of, I suggest checking them all. If you want to select all, just right-click your mouse on the boxes to get the options menu, and left-click on Select All. If it says it can't get rid of a problem right now, it will ask if you want to run it again after you restart your computer, answer yes and restart your computer so it may test again.

7) Run Spybot next

• When you run it, it will automatically select all the spyware that it finds, if there is something you don't want to get rid of for some reason, deselect it and then let Spybot fix all of the rest of the problems that it finds. This program also will ask to restart your computer so it can test again if it has problems removing something, so let it.

If you had Windows 2000 or Windows XP ( not the 64bit version ) you also have this option...

8) Now Run The AVG Program

• Run the “Complete system scan” option. AVG will scan all of the files when you scan your computer; it will likely take . a long time to complete.

• If you found any parasites, you need to restart your computer so you can test everything again. There are times that after cleaning certain parasites you will need to test again because something may have been hidden earlier by the infection. So repeat this process of testing and restarting until you find no more parasites.

• Run the scans again in Safe Mode. This will keep many of the parasites from loading and being able to hide from your protection software. To access Safe Mode on most versions of Windows, start tapping the [F8] key after you first start or restart your system, start tapping it before you ever see a Windows Splash Screen and continue until you get the Menu where you may select it from the list. On WinNT, this is called VGA mode and on Win2k you actually start tapping just after the first splash screen shows. For Detailed instructions see Restarting Your Computer in Safe Mode

These procedures should have cleaned most cases of infection that you will find. Yes I said MOST because there are some infections that are very hard to detect and remove. Generally, if you have one of these, you will need the assistance of an expert to help you get rid of it.

When you believe you are finished, remember to turn System Restore back on if you had turned it off.

I recommend testing for parasites as often as you can, probably at least once a month if not more. The sooner you catch them, the less damage they can do to your computer, and the less chance of a hacker finding your sensitive information such as checking account info, passwords, etc.

9) Reboot your computer normally.

• If you're still having problems, continue with the following:

10) Go to

• and download HiJackThis. Run the program, which will create a log file. Go to

• and post your HiJackThis log. You will get an extremely rapid, very precise answer as to whether or not you still have any infections and, if so, exactly what to do.

11) After everything is all cleaned up

• I recommend installing

SpywareTerminator (free):

Good luck!
2007-05-27 22:41:52 UTC
99% of all internet problems can be attributed to the wrong set of Web browser and Email clients in coordination of the

AV/ Spyware / Firewall software.

Get the following, all are free for a safe surfing experience, with proven track records and do not take up

system resources like Norton or McAffee.

install in SAFE mode with networking ( hit F-8 at boot time ), run them all in SAFE mode

with networking as you'll need it for the updates all the programs below will need.

Turn off RESTORE and the RECYLE BIN temporarily as virii can regenerate / reinfect even if you delete

them with both services on. After all the scanning and cleaning after a 2nd reboot and one last

scan do you turn both of them back on.


AVG (free)




EMAIL use thunderbird. It has a good built in spam filter and learns when you teach it.


Once you set it all up create 3 email accounts..

a hotmail or yahoo account for web "verification", this account you will not care if it get spammed

a sub account ( from the master account )to your ISP that you use for logons, this is the one you use for personal

emails only to trusted people and banking, ebay and paypal. Never use the account for anything else than that,

you find spam is low to non existant if you follow this rule, and even if it does become spam laden, then you

can delete the account and create a new sub account and do all the email updates to ebay, paypal, banks and your


finally your master account from your ISP, this one you NEVER use, it's only kept for creating sub accounts since

changing the master account is a real pain.

and if you have a wireless router follow these tips,

1. Use WPA encryption (WPA-PSK) it's less crackable then WEP.

2. Make a passphrase that is upper & lower case and has some numbers thrown in there as well, again harder to crack.

some like mAkE1t5eCurE0rel53 and as long as possible.

3. Use MAC access control so only you or authorized PC's can connect (even if you do have encryption turned on)

4. Turn off DHCP use static addresses.

5. Turn off SSID (and change it) unless your card really needs it (some do)

6. Change username/password of access unit front end

7. Ensure you have the usual firewall enabled on your PC.

8. Paranoia rules, turn WLAN off if your not using it :)

one last tip

control panel---administrator tools--services--messenger

right clik on it

stop the service

then disable it

save changes

********** sidebar ****************

You've seen the Internet ads: Click here to get your free laptop computer, iPod, trip to Bermuda . . .

Ever wondered what would happen if you tried to claim the freebie?

Generally, you'd end up earning the reward by answering surveys, completing product offers or referring friends.

The free iPod that costs you

you respond to a free iPod ad. After several requests to sign up for various services, you'll realize that the free iPod was not free at all. The killing part is, you end up actually committing to a few services and will be billed for them, but because you get caught in a loop of pop-up windows and surveys, you then become frustrated and will not follow through to get the free iPod.

Free cell phone! What free cell phone?

After going through 11 questionnaires and saying no to all, you finally get to the last, and they say you must at least pick two items in order to be able to get whatever they are giving away.

For instance, If you answer a free cell phone ad and go through 11-12 questionnaires and at first it says no obligation to buy anything, but when you get to the last , it will say you must at least try magazines for 30 days and they're hoping you'll will forget to cancel before the 30 days. And the kicker was once you agree to the free trial of magazines, they never ever mentioned the free cell phone again, and then you will be watching and waiting to see what they do to your credit card and if I get the phone. By the way, once you give one company your credit card number you get charged $1 to $4.95 on your card, for other items you never heard of before and have to take the time to call them and get them to remove it.

Free spam! Act now!

Yes, they are all scams. There is always a 'short' questionnaire. You always have to answer many, many questions if you want this or that. You always have to give your e-mail address and other information. You always have to check 'yes' for at least one in order to qualify and continue. If you ever get to the end after 45 minutes or so -- yeah, short -- you end up having to buy or sign up for something or your name is put into a lottery for a chance to win. I, in my stupidity, have done this several times. Always thinking maybe this one is legit. Not! You'll have never get the free product or the free gift card, groceries, movie tickets, etc. Then your e-mail is bombarded with hundreds of advertisements that you can never seem to stop unless you change your e-mail address. What a deal. Moral of this story is: Nothing is free.

If you filled out the questionnaire online for a $50 gift certificate for dinner at a well-known restaurant chain. They ask for your name and the rest of your personal information and e-mail address. Then the questionnaire opens up a new page and asks you if you would be interested in e-mails for specials on items that you could use in your life. You fill that page out then here comes another page with more questions. After about five pages I gave up. It just wouldn't quit. It was like a stupid carrot that they had hanging out there that you could never reach. I turned my computer off and said, 'Forget that!' After that you'll check your e-mail for about a week and when you do you'll had over 200 spam messages, even sex ones. You'll never get a dinner certificate. You'll end up had to closing that e-mail account because the spam garbage will not quit. Moral of the story: There is no free lunch on the Internet.

After you give your e-mail address and answered all the questions, you'll be informed that you have to order (buy) one item from several areas in order to receive the freebie. So you end canceling the 'adventure' and then you'll be inundated with junk mail ever since. Never again. Big scam for addresses to sell, etc.

Complete the never-ending survey

If you try to win a few of those free products, butsoon you'll be convinced they are the biggest fraud out there. For example, you'll spend three hours filling out questionnaires only to find out they never end, and the couple of times you'll get to the end , and they will want you to buy something and you know what that means: They are asking for your credit card information.

Free (with shipping and handling)

If you purchase some software from a company that advertises if you pay for shipping you get four software titles for free.

A few weeks later you'll get a $49 charge to your account. If you look up the company on the Web and none of the links you'll find will go to the company. If you try the phone number that showed up on your statement and they simply tell you they are not available and to try back later before they hang up on you. So you'll be dissatisfied, and searched the Internet a little more only to find you're were not the only one to be scammed. Turns out that they never tell you that you are signing up for a subscription but send you software and you have a short time frame to return it or be charged. Total scam.

Free (with Social Security and credit card numbers)

Free (with purchase)

"If Your dumb enough you'll answer ads for 'free' products." Please note the quote marks -- they're intentional. Many of the Internet freebies have extremely long forms to fill out, complete with a host of ads you need to reply 'not interested' to or else you'll receive hundreds of solicitations from various companies.

The 'gift certificates' offered for sometimes hundreds of dollars almost always involve purchasing something, somewhere along the line or becoming a trial member of something. At which point you need to pay for your subscription or membership upfront, with the caveat it's 'fully refundable' within strict parameters. As the saying goes, there's no such thing as a free lunch!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.