Help!? I'm infected with a virus!?
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2008-03-23 12:55:52 UTC
Ok, I was infected via my wifi router, I accidently left it unlocked. XP Antivirus 2008 is the virus and I can't get rid of it! I bought spyhunter 3 to remove it, but it won't go away! Please, how do I get rid of this!
Seventeen answers:
2008-03-23 13:57:47 UTC
First, do not panic. XP Antivirus 2008 is a fake anti virus program which fakes people out into installing it by pretending to be helpful rather than malicious. Just go to:

and they will guide you through the complete process of getting rid of it.

Someone probably thought that they were being helpful and clicked on a message in your email, or someone who shares the network with you. You should think about running a software firewall of your own, as well as an anti virus program of your own. You should also have a spy-ware removal tool and a registry cleaner. The firewall and the anti virus should run all the time, and you should run the spy-ware removal tool and the registry cleaner, as well as defragmenting your hard drive periodically.

You can get all four programs you need for free, without sacrificing quality. I use PC Tools Firewall Plus Free Edition, Avast Home Edition, Spybot - Search & Destroy, and TweakNow RegCleaner Standard which are all available at You can use the standard defragmenting utility that is part of Windows. It is not fancy but it does the job.

After you get your system cleaned out from it's existing virus, install the four free-ware programs (or a commercial program if you want to). The firewall and the anti virus programs will run in the background and you will only have to deal with problems. I clean my disk of spy-ware, clean the registry and defragment my drive every Sunday.

If you keep your system cleaned, you will find it easy to stay up and running. This program was probably opened and installed by someone on your network, or someone that someone on your network shares files with. It is a good example of why you never share your computer access and a good example of why you never open files unless you both know and trust their source.

I know a lot of people who use P2P file sharing programs (like LimeWire or any of the Torrent type files) for "free" music. Aside from any copywrite issues, These programs can provide a back door into your system. Same for chatting programs. If you must chat, use a system like Yahoo!'s that has provision for protecting your system. I am paranoid enough so that I won't even let anyone that close to my system.
2008-03-23 13:03:50 UTC
Detailed instrustions for it's removal are at the link in my source list. It's not actually a virus, but a rogue antivirus program that trys to scare people into buying it by popping up false scan results.
2008-03-23 13:26:11 UTC
Get rid of Spyhunter you don't need it besides these are better.

Ad-aware 2007 = spyware removal (free)

Avast Anti-Virus Program (free)

Excellent will allow you to set a full virus scan as a screen saver so it runs when your afk ( away from keyboard)

CCleaner = registry and organizer (free)

It does not come with many bells and whistles which are normally what slows down your computer.

run ad-aware se and ccleaner once a month

and run the tools in windows.

open my computer/right click on c:\

drive select properties then tools.

error checking and defragmenting should be done monthly.
2008-03-23 13:01:08 UTC
First of all you may not have a virus but malware. TRy downloading Spybot Search and destroy for free from this link

Then after downloading and installing the current list, Restart the computer and go into SAFE MODE ( use the F8 key while it boots up) and run Spybot in safe mode to keep the malware from hiding in a running application
2008-03-24 08:46:44 UTC
XpAntivirus is a fake antivirus program that may display fake virus scan results to trick you into purchasing a full version to remove the viruses on your system. XpAntivirus tries to steal your time and money. Remove XpAntivirus as soon possible, try a free removal application, such as SmitFraudFix.
Richard L
2008-03-23 13:01:21 UTC
If you wanna try manually removing the virus, go to C:windows:system32 and arrange all the files according to date created, and delete files that were created on the day when your comp got infected. Try doing the same in other important folders.
2008-03-23 13:09:05 UTC
Have a read here:

Get rid of Spyhunter. It's less use than the free version of SuperAntiSpyware or AVG Anti-Spyware. Check out the reputable anti-spyware programs here:

Info re Spyhunter here:
2008-03-23 13:01:42 UTC
Manually search for the file and delete it off the HD. Or Download another Anti-Virus or Spyware programs and fix it. Or format.
2008-03-23 13:00:59 UTC
Try downloading AVG anti-virus. It's free.

Alternatively, try this (the manual method):
2008-03-23 13:19:03 UTC
First of all format c drive...and after installing windows install any good anti virus and straight away update it...remeber don't open any other drive than c before updating and scaning...install every thing from cdz...don't open my computer since drive use auto play..may be virus use it to run..

1.format c..2..install windows..3..install drivers and anti virus from cdz..using run from start menu...4..update it..5.scan all stop all auto run in my computer

type gpedit.msc in Run...

select adminstrative templates -->system-->turn off auto play-->enable it for all the same in user configuration's adminstrative templates --> restart pc
2008-03-23 14:10:19 UTC
1. Download and run firefox to protect your from future spyware attacks and pop ups which are coming in through internet explorer (Trojan downloaders, win32 ).Browser attacks aren't easy to spot because they piggyback on legitimate traffic that doesn't exhibit many obvious warning signs

2. Run the vundo and combo fix

3. Run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

4. Run the anti spyware remove programs spybot and superantispyware to get rid of the nasties

5. Run a complete scan with free curing utility Dr.Web CureIt!
2008-03-23 14:08:21 UTC
1-Download Mozilla Firefox for better protection in the future:

2-Download a Spyware remover:

SUPERantispyware (Strongly recommended) :

3-Antivirus : AVG(recommended) :
2008-03-24 01:33:24 UTC
Try manual removal instructions for XPAntivirus
2008-03-23 13:18:26 UTC
Hello ~missy rissa~,to clean up your computer go to programs-go 2 accessories-go 2 systems tools -go 2 welcome to windows-click-maintain your computer- it takes a few hours but you can minimize and carry on working.O.K.


let me know if this was of any help.

your own computer looks after it's self best.
2008-03-23 13:05:10 UTC
Rogue Remover will remove it for free. It can be downloaded from majorgeeks.
2008-03-23 12:59:07 UTC
2008-03-23 13:15:07 UTC free.

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