wrong problem..
cache memory is supposed to speed up your system, not slow things down.
The fastest memory in your computer is also the most expensive.
there are registers built right into the processor.
usually right on the same chip, the manufacturer will add a small amount of extra memory.. but since it isn't part of the processor it isn't quite as fast. (Level 1 or L1 cache)
Modern processors may have Level 2, and even level 3 cache memory as part of the CPU package.
... each is a little larger, and a little further from the central core, so a bit slower.
Then we add RAM memory to the machine; this is pretty fast as memory goes, but information needs to travel across the motherboard to the CPU, making it even slower. Fortunately, in recent years RAM has become pretty cheap, so we can use a lot of it.
Finally, all the rest of your programs, data, and information is stored on something like a hard disk.
Instead of having to search the entire hard disk for files you were just using, we set aside part of the hard drive as a "swap" file, or a "system cache".
When the CPU wants new data or program instructions, it checks
.. its own registers,
.. L1 cache
.. L2 cache
... any other cache levels
... system RAM
... the swap file or system cache that was set aside on the hard disk..
.. then searches the entire hard drive
You want cache memory.. and you want as much as your system can handle. Cache memory is always faster than searching the hard disk. (nearly always)
You also want to see "high" use numbers. IF cache memory is not being used at 90-100%, then something might be wrong..
No, unwanted cache isn't a real problem. You probably have too may programs running, or maybe a virus or two. Get a good antivirus program, or save your data and rebuild your operating system.