i always trun OFF automatic updates becoz its not so important windows simply scares u to make money,
an example of automatic updates is something which updates your windows media player, or updates your MS word
it is very good if u turn it OFF but very bad if u keep it ON, becoz it will automatically do web browsing and waste your own money unknowingly
I highly recommend u turn it OFF, click start, go to your control panel, here somewhere u will find an icon called as windows security center double click to open it , then just go right below the windows security under manage security settings and click on automatic updates and when a new window pops up just click the last circle button (i.e turn off automatic updates)
but if u turn it OFF u will also find a balloon continuously popping up on the taskbar to stop that ballon, just open again your window security center and towards the left side there is a link called as change the way security center alerts me, and then un-tick automatic updates alert this will stop the baloon from alerting u
so why to simply do automatic web browsing, u can manually do the automatic updates whenever u want