2014-01-18 11:59:40 UTC
http://games.yahoo.com (this exeception is a MUST for any Yahoo games to work).
After you enter this exception into Java's Control Panel, try to enter the game you wish to play and it will come up with a security notice listing that while "http://games.yahoo.com" has an exception, the following Domain don't (or words to that effect)- MAKE NOTE OF THAT SERVER AS IT MAY BE SPECIFIC TO YOUR GAME OF CHOICE- THEY HAVE TO BE ENTERED INTO JAVA'S EXCEPTIONS (you don't have to list anything after the (dot) com. The servers listed in Pool (these MAY be specific to only the Pool game) are as follows:
Keep adding in successive numbers if need be- I seen yog7 popup, but there could be more servers so add 8, 9, etc. ITS NOT ALLOWING WILDCARDS in Javas control panel. Apparently Yahoo uses any number of "domains" to run games. PLEASE REMEMBER this was ONLY tried in the Pool game, servers may differ, but you get the idea how to resolve this issue specific to whichever game you wish to play. You may still get the box popping up in whichever browser your running to allow Java to run, that can't be avoided however. THIS IS A ONE TIME SETUP HURDLE WITH JAVA, ONCE THE EXCEPTIONS ARE MADE- ITS OVER AND DONE WITH. GAME ON PEOPLE!