2013-04-02 01:05:16 UTC
So lately, I have been on a sketchy site. I guess I was stupid and unaware of the potential attacks. I use the AVG Anti-Virus and I run at least twice each day to see if there is any viruses. Unfortunately, the Anti-Virus detected approximately 600 weird items. This number for some reason varies from 600 to 400, usually detecting 600 files. This really shocked me since a few months ago, AVG only had detected around 7 or 13 obscure files. The number has been jumping a bit, and its been getting me worried. I don't know if its physiological or anything, but the computer has been running weird and somewhat slower than usual. I have an Asus G74SX laptop and it is almost a year old since I have purchased it. Its an expensive laptop and I don't know what alternative I should take since I am on a tight budget.
Some of the files are that AVG detected vary. I always run the same preferences for scanning which is:
Heal/Remove Virus Infections
Report Potentially Unwanted Threats
Report Enhanced Set Of Potentially Unwanted Programs
Scan For Tracking Cookies
Scan Inside Archives
User Heuristics
Scan System Environment
Enable Thorough Scanning
Scan For Rootkits
All File Type Scanning
Report Password Protected Archives
Report Password Protected Documents
Report Locked Files
Report Files Containing Macros
Report Hidden Extensions
Some of the files that AVG detected are:
"Locked file. Not tested" C:/ProgramData
"Locked file. Not tested" C:/hibefil.sys
"Locked file. Not tested" C:/Perflogs/
"Locked file. Not tested" C:/Documents and settings
"Contains Macros" C:/Program Files (86x)/
"Contains Macros" C:/Windows/Installer
This list goes on for a while so some of the files that AVG detected were SysWOW74, Downloads, AVG20, System 32, ServiceProfile, Audit, Prefetch, PLA, Panther, ModernLogs, LiveKernel, AppCompat, Public, UpdatusUser, Templates, PrintHood, NTUSER, System Volume, Pagefile.sys, etc.
One of the things I don't understand is that, it never reported locked files. Even though I checked them it didn't show them before I entered the sketchy website. Before the website, AVG scanned only 13 threats. Now it is up to 400 - 600 threats though I used same preferences for clean inspection. Another thing that I noticed is that AVG usually tells you that your computer has sped up by a percentage. Before the website entrance, I used to get like %110, %114, or %132 computer speed boost or something like that. Now it is %43 speed boost. All this is really confusing and I am certainly not the computer expert. I just know that a few files were not able to be scanned because they are locked for some reason. They weren't locked before, but now AVG is telling me that they are. I have other anti-viruses but I don't really use them. They don't give me any reports like AVG does. I am debating whether I should uninstall them since people always tell me that they can interrupt each other and actually slow your computer down. Also, after some hours after entering the malicious site, my game log-ins have been really choppy and weird. It doesn't smoothly flow the moving pictures.
Much appreciated to those who read it, and more to those who give a thorough answer.