The URL that is displayed in the text has no relationship to the actual URL that is in the HTML code
so someone can put a line like "Visit"
But the code is more like this (the code below is intentionally broken up with spaces so you can read it and yahoo doesnt turn it into a link)
< A : HREF= " h t t p : // www . "> Visit < / A >
or the URL can be constructed like com/contestwinner/
The is just a machine name which can be anything, reallybadplace is the real server domain name
Also if there is an @ or a ? in the code, it can alter the way the URL works com/contestwinner/replynow/ @ www.reallybadplace. com does not go to, it goes to
Moral of the story NEVER EVER go to a weblink that is in an unknown email.
If you want to go to a site, type the address manually into your web browser location bar so you know that it is the address you intend.