Sorry for was my mischevoius brother..
The Problem - from (
Full Name:
Type: Worm
Danger Level: 10
Category Description: Virus-like program that spreads automatically to other computers by sending itself out by email or by any other means. A program that propagates itself by attacking other machines and copying itself to the affected machine.
Worms have self-replicating code that travels from machine to machine by various means. A worms first objective is merely propagation. Worms can be destructive depending on what payload they have been given. Worms may replace files, but do not insert themselves into files.
Comment: This is a worm that is spread through Yahoo Messenger. The most common message seen distributing this worm is: "never click into the links like something in this image !!!"
Once the worm is on the infected PC it has the ability to:
Disable the Task Manager
Disable the Registry Editor
Disable the System Restore
Hides the 'Run' option from the Start Menu
Also will remove all bookmarks from Firefox.
Manipulates Lsass.exe.
Hijacks Internet Explorer.
Drops a Rootkit.
How to remove malware virus worm?
In this lense, we only discuss the basic steps for manual removal of
Here are the Steps in removing the
1. Disconnect your computer from the Internet.
2. Restart your computer.
3. Open IE browser. Go to Tools>Internet Option>Programs. Click "Reset Web Setting">Yes.
3. Go to Tools>Internet Option, Click Delete files, Delete Cookies, and Clear History.
4. Go to Drive C > Document and Setting > ( the administrator folder). Clean the folders named Cookies, My Recent Document.
5. Under the folder open in #4, go to folder "Local Setting". If you cannot see any local setting, click Search (fond in the toolbar)>All Files and Folders then type Local Setting. Make sure that under the "More Advance Option", found below,the "Search Hidden Files and Folders" is checked before searching.
6. Under Local Setting folder, clean the folder Temp, Temporary Internet Files and History.
7. Delete the IEXPLORER icon found in your Desktop. This logo is different from the original IExplorer Logo. Also Delete the IEXPLORER found in your desktop with EXE function.
8. Restart Your computer. Run Antivirus for more clean up.
Note: If other threats are found and your anti virus is not working, follow the location folder where the threats are. Delete any recognized threat. Make sure to delete the exact name of the threat because you might delete some important components.
You don't have to buy other software to delete Ignore those advertisers who are trying to give advice.
First of all, you are advised not to follow any suspicious links
that are possibly brought to your attention by web and/or
real-time messaging programs. Having a real-time scanning
and monitoring anti-virus would help in case of harmful links.
NEVER and NEVER follow the next link:
As soon as you get infected with "", your
Task Manager, Homepage and Run services will be disabled
by the trojan. Follow these steps in order to succeed :
1. Restart your computer in Safe Mode and run a full scan
with your anti-virus. Remove any malicious software.
(There should be several trojans on your computer. It
has been reported that some of them are brought by
quicknews itself.)
2. Restart in Normal Mode. Download and install HijackThis
and "Do a system scan only". The results will appear;
search for an entry with "DisableRegEdit=1". Check the
proper box and hit Fix checked.
3. Once the Registry Editor has been enabled, download
a pre-defined registry editor restoration .reg file
and execute it. Next, go to WINDOWS\System32\gpedit.msc.
In the User Configuration select Administrative Templates>>
Start Menu and Taskbar>>Remove Run menu from Start Menu>>
Disabled. You will be able to go to Start>>Run.
4. To restore to your functional web page do the following :
- Start>>Run>>regedit
- Locate the subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pol... Explorer\Control Panel
On the right there is a Homepage entry. Delete it.
Now you are capable to start your Internet Options and
choose your deserved homepage.