Sign Up For Hotmail
This article explains how to set up a free e-mail account through Hotmail.
Go to the Hotmail web site ( and click on the Sign Up button.
Windows Live Hotmail is Microsoft's new free e-mail service, replacing MSN Hotmail.
To use Hotmail, you need a Windows Live ID. This ID can be used for other Microsoft services such as Windows Live Messenger.
Fill in the form to Sign up for a free Windows Live ID as explained below.
Choose Your Hotmail Address
In the first box on the sign up form, type what you would like your Hotmail e-mail address to be (this is also your Windows Live ID). You can use your first name or any words you like, but remember that most common words and names will have already been taken by other people.
So if your name is George, for example, you will need to choose something more complex than just ''. Try adding on a number such as your year of birth, for example '', or add a phrase, for example ''.
Using the down arrow button you can also choose whether to have '' or '' in your address.
Click the Check Availability button to see if that e-mail address is available. If it is already taken, you will need to try different addresses until you find one that is available.
Choose A Password
Next choose a password, this must be different to what you entered as your e-mail address or it will be too easy for other people to guess. The password should be at least six characters long and preferably a mixture of letters and numbers.
You will be shown your password strength. This shows how difficult it would be for someone else to guess your password (obviously it is better to have a password that rates as 'medium' or preferably 'strong').
In the next box re-type your password to confirm it. Make a note of your e-mail address and password as you will need to use them to access your e-mail in future.
In the next box you can enter another e-mail address if you have one. This is in case you lose your password and need it sent to you.
Alternatively you can choose a security question that you will be asked if you forget your password, for example the name of your first pet. Type in your answer to that question, which must be at least five characters long.
Now continue down the page filling out your personal information in the appropriate areas. Use the down arrow button to choose your country/region from a list, and enter any other required details such as your gender and birth year.
In the next box you must type the characters you see in the picture shown. These characters are displayed in a special way to confuse malicious computer programs that try to sign up for lots of e-mail addresses automatically, usually for spamming purposes.
If you have any problems reading the characters, click on the speaker button for an audio version, or click on the refresh arrows button to request a new picture.
You can choose to receive promotional offers if you wish. Click I accept to agree to the terms of using your account.
Your account is now created and you should see your Windows Live Hotmail Inbox.