Visual Basic Reference: Error Messages
Error in loading DLL (Visual Basic)
A dynamic-link library (DLL) is a library specified in the Lib clause of a Declare statement. Possible causes for this error include:
The file is not DLL executable.
The file is not a Microsoft Windows DLL.
The DLL references another DLL that is not present.
The DLL or referenced DLL is not in a directory specified in the path.
To correct this error
If the file is a source-text file and therefore not DLL executable, it must be compiled and linked to a DLL-executable form.
If the file is not a Microsoft Windows DLL, obtain the Microsoft Windows equivalent.
If the DLL references another DLL that is not present, obtain the referenced DLL and make it available.
If the DLL or referenced DLL is not in a directory specified by the path, move the DLL to a referenced directory.
Error Loading Type Library/DLL for Windows NT, 2000, and XP Users
Setup failed to launch installation engine: Error loading type library/DLL
The InstallShield Engine (iKernel.exe) could not be launched. Error loading type library/DLL
More Information
This issue may occur if one or more of the following files are missing from the Windows\System32 or WINNT\System32 folder:
The above stdole files should exist in the Windows System directory for the application to successfully install. The following steps explain how to locate the missing stdole files and extract them from either your computer's hard drive or the Windows Installation CD.
Determine which stdole files are missing.
1.Click Start > Find > Files or Folders.
2.In the All or part of the file name field, type stdole*.tlb to search for the missing files.
3.In the Look in field, click Drive C.
4.Write down which files are missing. You will use the file names in the following steps.
Extract the missing stdole files from a cabinet file using the Expand utility.
1.Click Start > Run.
2.Type CMD. Click OK.
3.Change to the root folder of drive C, type cd\ or c:, and press ENTER.
4.Insert the Windows Installation CD.
5.Type expand cd_drive_letter:\i386\filename.tl_ drive:\Windows\system32\filename.tlb, and press ENTER, where cd_drive_letter is your CD drive, filename is the name of one of the missing stdole files (stdole32, stdole2, stdole) that you want to expand, and drive is the letter of the drive where Windows is installed. For example:
expand D:\i386\stdole32.tl_ C:\Windows\System32\stdole32.tlb
6.Repeat step 5 for each of the missing stdole files.
7.Type exit.
8.Restart your computer
Step 1: Download and install AVG Antispyware from and update it.Then run a complete scan and delete whole bugs found.Your problem will get solved.100% Guranteed !
Still problem persists means..continue to..
Step 2: Download and install Norton Antivirus and run a full system scan and delete the whole bugs found.
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