How can we all protect passwords online?
2010-02-01 19:46:25 UTC
How can we all protect passwords online?
205 answers:
2010-04-01 04:39:16 UTC
Think of any two people you know.

use ones street address and the others zip code.

Then you take the last letter for your dentits name and put it in the front capitalized.

Throw that **** away

take your dogs name and use that as your password
2010-04-01 18:43:38 UTC
Use Firefox 3.6 to browse the internet. Under Tools > Options > Security, set a Master Password. This protects Firefox's sensitive cache, so even if an attacker gets a hold of your computer, logins to your account, and opens your browser, he still won't be able to access your online accounts.

Use a good anti-virus program, such as NOD32, and make sure that it is set to scan your computer for threats regularly (preferably every day, or at least a couple times a week).

Use a different password for different sites, so in case one gets compromised, the others are safe.

Use over 8 characters in your password, including lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, special characters, and maker sure it contains nothing meaningful and has no words or phrases in the dictionary.

Don't have the password saved anywhere on your computer to remember it; if you have a hard time remembering your passwords, write them down on a note and keep it somewhere safe.

Make sure that any site you login into is the official site, and not a scam. Only sign-in if you are using a secure protocol (the address of the page starts with https://).
Andrew Clements
2010-04-01 18:45:54 UTC
1. Complex passwords.

2. Frequent changing of passwords.

3. No "universal" passwords (meaning a different password for each site)

4. Don't keep a list of your passwords anywhere on your computer (use a little address notebook, or similar).

5. Don't let your web browser "remember" any passwords.

6. Firewalls, virus protection, spyware protection, and similar.

7. Don't tell your password to friends. And if u have to for some reason, change it immediately after.
Gorkbark Porkduke Gefunken Fubar
2010-03-28 11:43:43 UTC
What is needed is a special triple-encrypted program that automatically changes a 15-digit alpha-numeric password 1000 times a second. I don't know how this would be set up exactly, but with a thousand different passwords every second it would be hard for a hacker to break through with the right one at exactly the right millisecond.

An example of this was the World War 2 German Enigma machine, which was virtually indecipherable without a special physical key. So this password program would consist of a physical unit, sort of like a dongle, and a software program working in conjunction with it to create an ever changing stream of passwords.
2010-03-26 18:11:58 UTC
Hi. To protect your password and get a good one, create a password containing capitals A-Z, lowercase a-z, numbers 0-9. Don't use any specials characters like the stars in my username. Also, try to change your password every week. Here is an example password - NJkOPfG9462 . In your password never put your name, username, hobby, age, birth .. etc or else your account will be hacked by people that know you easily. Remember, don't use the same passwords for your email account and Yahoo! answers account. Different websites = make a different password. Don't give out your password to anyone! Thanks.
2010-04-01 15:49:38 UTC
Why even bother with passwords when so many sites have SQL vulnerabilities.

Dynamic passwords? Only transferring your data over encrypted networks?

Not using "password" or "12345" for your password?

There are really a lot of basic ways to do this that most people just don't do. Like actually setting up a password in the first place.
2010-03-29 02:53:42 UTC
Passwords are often the best bet of protection against fraud and online thieves. People frequently choose easily guessable passwords that allow an account to be easily broken into, opening themselves up for risk of multiple kinds of theft. Here's how to create a strong password to protect your online accounts.

Step 1

Add numbers to your password.

Numbers can add a bit of password protection to even the simplest of passwords. Steer clear of your own birth date or your home address, which don't provide a lot of password protection because they are easy to guess.

Step 2

Lengthen your passwords.

The longer a password is, the harder it is to guess. Make sure that your password is at least 7 characters; making it longer or adding a string of other characters to the end of it will only make it harder to decode for potential thieves.

Step 3

Add punctuation to create a stronger password.

Symbols, punctuation and numbers all work in conjuncture to make a strong password to better protect online accounts.

Step 4

Memorize a random password.

The random password is a strong password. Choose something random in terms of both numbers and letters and you will have created a strong password. Using a combination of random words or letters, numbers, and punctuation will give you the strongest password possible.
2010-03-28 10:22:00 UTC
I love the answers where they say not to use the same password twice. There is also the log-in name to be considered. My point is that I have 2 personal and 2 business credit cards, 3 store accounts (like Best Buy), 2 personal and 2 business bank accounts, 3 utility accounts, 5 email accounts, blackberry account, mortgage account, airline miles accounts, insurance accounts, 5 misc membership accounts and 4 Internet accounts plus about 8 more various accounts. I use a spreadsheet to try to keep track of it all. Then some accounts require a new password every 90 days. Other accounts require case sensitive or the insertion of numbers/symbols. I also access these accounts from work and from home as well as laptop when I travel. Whew! Thank God for Mozilla Firefox.
Nasty old uncle Mike
2010-03-27 08:15:15 UTC
FIrst of all, do not use Microsoft Windows. I use linux for any password-driven ops and I choose NOT to keep any passwords on my computer. Decrepit Windows asks if you want to save the password and then saves it even if you say NO. The difference is that the regular windows software cannot pull it up.

There are password vaults available for linux, like Gringotts, and KDE wallet, but I decline to use them.

Next, find a bank that uses a triple handshake, even if you have to keep your funds in a German bank. In Germany, you have a login and password which is always required PLUS you are mailed a list of one-time passwords once a month. So you login and use your password, and then you are asked for the one-time password. Use one off the list and cross it off because it won't be valid again. If someone hacks your computer, they get your login and password but not the one-timer. If someone intercepts your mail they get useless passwords and you request a new list.

There are sites which are subject to cross-server scripting, so use Firefox or Konqueror for your browser, or any of the firefox based browsers which seem at least now to defend against the XSS exploits.
2010-03-27 10:19:56 UTC
Open notepad and type random letters and numbers alternating with random pressing of the shift key to get a long string like

H89ko-8ghbc6(054f2xo fgj3zty^Eyxcy80hkR7 dfhC432zw%Gxv* (7bo9563x1Sz&N)j*g4

Then copy out of that a random part of at least 6-8 characters. When writing them down, do something like add a random character to the second to last one, so that anyone even reading your passwords won't know them.

Another method of creating easy to remember, but hard to crack passwords is by following the formula of CVCVCVCV where C is a consonant and V is a vowel. Such as migowedi.

Then add numbers and special characters to that to make it more secure.
2010-03-26 07:26:26 UTC
A strong password consists of letters, numbers, and symbols and should be at least 6 or more characters in length. Unless you have trouble memorizing stuff, you should not use the same password for each website. If you have trouble memorizing your password, write it down and keep it somewhere safe. Also, try to stay away from websites that are vulnerable to attacks. These sites often allow you to submit HTML and JavaScript.
2010-03-28 20:38:41 UTC
You need to always use a good firewall, along with a router(with encryption), Anti-malware software, along with good password. I use multiple things:

1. I ALWAYS use a router, even if I am only using 1 computer, after I set the router settings I change my username and password and give it a bunk access IP adress(so no one can access it without actually physically plugging it into their computer.

2. I use Spybot Seach & Destroy WITH TeaTimer, run it weekly, and always check to make sure it is updated.

3. I use ESET NOD32 x64. Always active.

4 All my password as not words/sentences and all are over 20 characters(or 20 characters) mixed with numbers and letters.

5. Keep windows updated, never used cracked versions of windows.

6. Never download a file I don't know what it is. I always use trusted sites.

I have followed these rules for YEARS and have never had a virus.
2010-04-02 04:24:46 UTC
Don't have them on your computer. If possible have them in your head, or in a small notebook.

Also, do not use simple passwords. With simple passwords, all passwords that can be found as words in a dictionary should be banned, as should your personal names well known.

I have a good persoanl system. But if I tell it, it won't be good any longer - will it now!

If you use things that are from your private or professional life's interaction, things that will be there for years / decades and are easy to remember but have nothing to do with you that anyone can know these are pretty good. An example could be your neigbor's address or your dream car's name and number.
2010-03-28 20:58:40 UTC
To create a good password start with a sentence (make sure its something you can remember)

Ex: My dog ran really fast on the beach this morning.

Then create a series of numbers (perferably a sequence you can remember that is not in numerical order) There needs to be one less number than there are words in the sentence

Ex: 528496103

Next, put together the first letter of each word in the sentence

Ex: mdrrfotbtm

Finally, insert the series of numbers into the series of letters, with a number between each letter

Ex: m5d2r8r4f9o6t1b0t3m

And you now have a really complicated, hard to figure out password that you can remember.
Happy Guy
2010-03-26 12:05:28 UTC
I don't know how, but I had my Yahoo Mail password stolen last week, and my Facebook password too, it was probably by the same guy, and he may have found my Facebook password through my emails on Yahoo. Anyway, I think hackers will always find ways, so the best I can suggest is to change your password once a week, just to be sure. Make sure you don't forget it though, because you may easily forget a password when you only use it for one week. Also make sure the passwords you use are not easy to guess.

I may post my question here but I only do it to get more answers, I try to help people in my answers though, so please don't judge me bad because of that
2010-04-02 12:50:45 UTC
Using hard to guess passwords.

Using passwords that substitute letters with symbols.

By not telling anyone passwords to online accounts.
Tanno V
2010-03-29 04:40:32 UTC
Try using these tips:

*At least 2 CaPiTaL LeTtErS (not behind each other, more like: UniversalStudios, to give an example).

*Use at least 2 numbers

*Use signs, like one of these: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + / ? ; : [ ] { } \ | ~ ` ' " ¡ ² ³ ¤ € ¼ ½ ¾ ‘ ’ ¥ ä å é ® þ ü ú í ó ö « » ¬ ø ¶ ´ æ © ñ µ ç. Put them in random places. The ones behind the apostrophe can be found using Alt Gr (right-hand Alt-key).

*Make the password long. When there is a restriction to the password size, make it about as long as the restriction.

*Use a combination of all of these with small letters, and your password should be so safe that protection will not be necessary anymore!

*Last but not least: use different passwords for different websites. This is maybe one of the most important rules.
alison wonderland
2010-03-28 13:53:15 UTC
i have a few tips!

* keep a written record of all your passwords in a notebook somewhere, hopefully hidden. if you forget a password, you're in trouble. also, if they ask you a question for when you forget your password "what is your favorite uncle?" etc. write that there too. don't forget which ones go to which accounts, so write that there too!

* DO NOT SHARE YOUR PASSWORD WITH ANYONE! (except your parents, if you're a kid.)

* do crazy stuff with your password. spell words back words or out of order. use caps on some letters and lowercase on others. add numbers, not just at the end, but mixed throughout. make it something random no one will ever find out!

* always log out before leaving the computer. also, do not click the "remember me" or "remember password" button on anything!!!

* change your password every month or so. don't forget to change it in your notebook!

* answer your "forgot question" thing with a weird answer. so if the question is the name of your fave uncle, don't put "mike", put "be jealouss my unclee's name is micheall johnnnyyy!" or something like that.

* be spamware free with antivirus stuff!
2010-03-30 08:07:37 UTC
Get a Macbook or a Mac Also have a different Password for each account, do not use your childs name dates of birth are a nono & never type your password where there are not *** hiding them because when you say ******** I cant see with keylogger however when you say PASSWORD I ca see copy paste & happy days!!

change your passwords to any active accounts monthly especially payment accounts, get a good malware software "Not a Free One!" Never give a genuine hint or clue to your password! do not link accounts with sites you do not know!! Also use Symbols as well as letters and use numbers too capitals can be good too..
Mickey Mouse Spears
2010-03-28 14:12:20 UTC
By creating a coalition of super password protectors, like Justice League America, to stand as guardians over the passwords of the world.
2010-03-26 12:13:55 UTC
The best way to protect your self online is to be cautious and not enter your personal information into non-bona fide sites. If you should get an email from a website asking you to "update" your records that would be a good sign that this is a phishing site. Reputable companies like banks ,ebay,paypal,etc. do not ask you provide any passwords or the like via email. If you should get an email of the like from a "company like this you can easily verify it by clicking the "REPLY" button and checking the email address you are replying to: If that email address does not have a very last ending of,,,,etc.;But ends in;,etc. you can be sure that this is some lazy ,sneaky bastard trying to part you from your money. JUST BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL.

I received a fraudulent email today from a phisher asking me to "update" my" records. The email include this link: Now when I clicked this link, knowing it was phony, I just put in some made-up ,random User Name and Password. This site accepted these false credential and took me to another page that ask me for my account number, name,address,etc. I again put in some more BULLSHIT and the site accepted that also.So, I put in BARRACK OBAMA ,1600 Pensylvania Ave. , Washing D.C.

Again, here is the link:

2010-03-28 23:32:11 UTC
Don't ever tell anyone your password, make sure that you use non-obvious words/numbers for your password (e.g. never use your name, your birthdate etc..)

Always use a combination of letters and numbers as well as lower and upper case text.

Do not just use the same password for every site that you join - make sure to have a variety of passwords that you can use.

Never write your passwords down on your computer - as they can be easily hacked by anybody wishing to acess them.

However if you must write them down so you don't forget them make sure you hide the paper/book in which they were written safely (do not put it on your desk/in your wallet.
2010-04-02 12:45:45 UTC
Use a good Personal Firewall program or Antivirus program that encrypts your passwords. Make your passwords harder for others to guess by adding Capital letters and numbers. Never choose the option to remember passwords on unsecured sites or any sites, prevent from responding to phising emails asking you to verify account information through links. Always use a trusted site and look for the trusted connection in your URL bar. When in doubt, always type in the URL and never from a link. For example, type in when asked to verify any information because once prompted to log in, you will be entering a secured site.
2010-03-29 07:20:23 UTC
Well lets start with logic. The only password we never guess for other people is the password we use ourselves right? so logically it would protect everyone to use the same password.
2010-03-29 13:32:38 UTC
Don't tell anyone your password.

Don't use an easily guessable word, or even better, don't use a real word at all! Using oblebobble is much harder to guess than chicken. Hackers will sometimes use what is called a "dictionary attack", which means they use a program to check if your password is any word in the dictionary.

Add numbers. the more the better!

Ad random capitals. People would expect you to put capitals as "CheeseIsGreat", not "chEeseiSgreAT".
2010-03-29 06:44:10 UTC
I remember when passwords were written on sticky notes and then hidden from view for fear of someone stealing it and causing trouble. Then it all went on line where passwords were allegedly safe but hackers and ID thieves found them out and caused LOTS of trouble. Well, maybe it's time to put passwords back on sticky notes.

Just a thought.
2010-03-27 11:50:48 UTC
-Make sure that there is nothing the password that match to you like

-Date birth , Hand phone number , (Others)

-And make sure your password is more than 6 characters

-And using alphabet and numbers may help

-And do not share your password with anyone , only you suppose to know

-Keep away from stay signed in , in public computers

That is all , If you follow these rules , nobody can hack your account
2010-04-02 13:15:58 UTC
Make a password that's impossible for others to think of.
~Mercedes Ariella Cedillo~
2010-03-22 14:44:31 UTC
change ur password ever 2 or 3 weeks and try to make it at least 6 or 7 words long.

don't give ur password 2 anyone nd have a different password on each website dat yew join in

or add numbers in it.
2010-04-02 18:29:05 UTC
Change them every day and use capitals and lowercase, and numbers, and max length. Have a word document that is encrypted with a 26 digit password that has your passwords on it.
2010-03-28 14:46:19 UTC
- create a good password using upper and lower case, special characters and numbers

- use more than 6 characters for your passwords

- do not use your or your family member's name, nickname, birthday or telephone number, pet's name ect.

- change your passwords and security questions regulary

- select an answer that has noting to do with the security question but easy to remember for you

- use upper and lower case, special characters and numbers

- use a good antivirus program and scanning my machine regulary

- use a good antispyware program

- don't click on strange links I receive by email

- never give my account information or password in case you receive a mail requesting it

- don't click on strange links that come up in instant messaging windows

- never open mails from unknown senders

- never add strange people to my MSN contacts

-never remember passwords for each site on computer

-don't write down passwords where someone could see

Hope I helped! ;D
Luiza P
2010-04-01 07:50:20 UTC
When I create passwords I use sentences like eg: Applesarenotyellow.

Always use capitals and try simple sentences not something like Bob the farmer went and bought three new sheep from the local market. Only do that if you have a good memory. :)
2010-03-30 09:05:38 UTC
You cannot. Use unique passwords at every site.

Once you sign onto a site and use a password, consider it compromised. Who knows what will happen at their site?

And never, ever, store credit card information online at any site.
2010-03-27 02:43:38 UTC
a strong password containing numbers, letters, uppercase and lowercase and if possible symbols one example would be He11o mY n@Me 1s Bob. Make sure you get genuine antivirus software because some are scams and are viruses themself like antivirus XP 2010. also try to change your password every month or so. one last one dont use any of the following because they are to obvious

-blank (none)

-the words "password", "passcode", "admin" and their derivatives

-a row of letters from the qwerty keyboard -- qwerty itself, asdf, or qwertyuiop)

-the user's name or login name

-the name of their significant other, a friend, relative or pet

-their birthplace or date of birth, or a friend's, or a relative's

-their automobile license plate number, or a friend's, or a relative's

-their office number, residence number or most commonly, their mobile number.

-a name of a celebrity they like

-a simple modification of one of the preceding, such as suffixing a digit, particularly 1, or reversing the order of the letters.

-a swear word
2010-04-01 05:17:19 UTC
Install anti-virus programs and make up a question so that some bad people wouldn't know the passwords.
2014-10-26 20:16:43 UTC
When I create passwords I use sentences like eg: Applesarenotyellow.
2010-04-02 18:03:37 UTC
I change my password every month. It gets more and more complex each time i change it. I include symbols, capital/lower case letters, periods, semicolons, commas, etc. And I use a totally different password for each account.
Jaelyn White
2010-03-30 18:05:00 UTC
Like this: 12JjKk89.jj

something totally random with numbers little and big letters never use your name last name or middle name no family members pets etc.! oh and do not use "password" as your password most sites don't let you anyway
2010-03-29 03:54:11 UTC
Try to use different combination of password which include symbols, question mark, apostrophe and number in your password.


Related Computer Resources:-
2010-03-28 17:21:44 UTC
maybe use norton i have it on my computer and there will be like a X for if this is like a bad website & u might get a virus but the check mark is good but if u want ur password to be a whole bunch of random numbers,that's what i do...
2010-04-01 18:57:58 UTC
1. Use strong password

2. Use different password for different sites.

3. Keep your passwords safe
2010-04-01 04:56:11 UTC
I'm too busy protecting my morals and ethics to be concerned with computer passwords
2010-03-28 22:49:56 UTC
this name and password was done in the same way . a anti virus wont do it . that is just a waist of money . you can buy the CD that the company uses to program your computer . and any time something goes wrong just re do it yourself . and save money . or listen to those other idiots and ignore me . but fact is . it is all designed to keep you in a disposable world .
2010-03-28 18:15:21 UTC
have a different, unpredictable password for each account

dont do anything personal, (like your middle name, phone number etc.)

the more personal, the more easy it is to guess

try doing a combination of letters and numbers, something totally random

also dont tell anyone your password!!! no one!!!!!!!
2010-03-28 03:35:59 UTC
Have different passwords for everything. So, if someone finds out 1 and they try it on more it wont work. Enen though I have the same PASSWORD FOR EVERYTHING mine is very very complex and difficult. It is 15 letters and numbers! Find that one out....
2010-03-22 17:26:02 UTC
first of i will say that create a alpha numeric password having strength more than 10 lattes so that attacker requires more that 15 gays to decode that by Brett force

and use log me in so that every time when we log in by our personal comp. then we dont need to type the password use ssh protocol to encrypt the data
2010-04-02 10:09:19 UTC
What's more we need to use more difficult passwords,that consist of both letters and figures
2010-04-01 15:22:38 UTC
Don't tell your password to anyone, make your password good (maybe a misspelled word?), if you have a shared computer, then don't keep it on a word file.
Matin R
2010-03-28 17:04:30 UTC
Norton Anti-virus
Michele C
2010-03-28 13:21:34 UTC
You could put the passwords on a flash drive.
2010-02-17 06:44:51 UTC
Make your password something that is hard to guess-- in other not your birthday or any part of your name, nothing guessable. keep your password written down somewhere and hide it in like a safe or something. don't give your passwords out to your friends.

It is also a good idea to periodically change your password and to use different passwords for different accounts. if somebody hacks into one of your accounts, they can hack into all of them if you have used the same password. But just make sure your password is hard to guess, series of letters and numbers nobody will be able to guess.
2010-04-02 08:29:27 UTC
the best way is to make a password very difficult with letters of upper and lower classes then with numbers juggle them all up But be sure you keep a copy.

2010-04-02 13:50:05 UTC
Heres a good guide on how to make a strong password.
2010-04-02 07:29:54 UTC
Try unique password.
2010-04-02 13:41:41 UTC
make it really long, or as long as the website allows.

put a lot of numbers in it.

put every other letter capitalized LiKe ThIs

put letters and numbers in between each other

for example, FrUiT45SaL57aD239 (no that is not my password, u can even try it)
2010-03-28 20:05:31 UTC
Because my last account was hacked into I now change my password every few days.Make it a difficult one & nothing to do with your name or the sections you frequent.
2010-03-28 02:58:56 UTC
Passwords that are difficult to guess but easy to remember just for you and change it every month
2010-03-27 01:38:13 UTC
Make sure it's a good, secure password, such as one that contains a capital letter and a special character.
2010-04-02 09:59:39 UTC
Hia, use good , not common passwords, which you change regularly. Also, you need a good anti virus software, just incase you get a virus xxxxx hope this helps xx
'Sunnyside Up'
2010-04-02 05:40:50 UTC
Password's have degrees of security. When you set one it usually tells you how secure it will be. Make sure that you create one that is really top security. Lots of weird numbers and letters combination.
2010-03-31 05:56:15 UTC
Firewall backups, anti-virus backups, password security, & probably the simplest of all:

Better passwords to start with!

Hope this helps :)

2010-03-29 13:02:49 UTC
make a really long password With lost of lower and higher case with numbers make it as long as it lets you or at least 12 to 8 long.
2010-03-28 16:52:29 UTC
Numbers, Letters - CAPS and lowercase, symbols, spaces, anitvirus programs (or just get a mac) and a different password for each site :)
2010-03-28 02:50:29 UTC
by selecting a password that uses a combination of letters, and numbers, and never using common words as passwords.

Most people think 123456 is a good password
2010-04-02 07:48:48 UTC
Dont tell anyone your password
2010-04-01 21:25:48 UTC
Use something that means nothing to others that is an acronym of a sentence you know well, and put numbers in between the letters or on the ends
2010-04-02 15:17:19 UTC
You can change your password every week or so just for your safetly thats what i do or u can also just make a very good pass word
Jack F
2010-03-31 09:43:48 UTC
Don't tell anyone, and don't let the password be something about you like your birthday or your favourite colour, and don't forget anti virus stuff too
►The King◄
2010-04-01 15:59:50 UTC
Make them difficult to find out. Use numbers, letters, etc. Say your on Facebook, and a site ( wants your password, you should no better NOT to log in.
2010-03-29 02:45:38 UTC
Just send me all your passwords and the websights that they go to. I'll protect them for you.
2010-03-28 13:08:29 UTC
Might seem obvious but - Make good passwords, change them often.

Use Linux or Mac OS...

It's EASY to load Linux dual boot or boot it from live CD and do your banking with it.

I suggest Fedora (free), or Ubuntu (also free).
2014-09-19 16:10:27 UTC
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Ralph C
2010-04-02 03:24:01 UTC
Edit the details of your question and type your password in backwards. That should do it.
2010-03-28 17:57:07 UTC
Make the most hardest passwords nobody knows except you but make sure you can remember it!
2010-02-12 18:53:50 UTC
Never save passwords to a browser, write them down , but keep handy to PC, don't trust the brain it forgets. Change them regularly, just in case your on unsecure wifi, which is another thing to look into. Good firewall and antivirus programs help.
2010-04-01 21:25:34 UTC
Change them frequently. Set a time like every 1-3 months to switch it.
2010-04-02 19:38:33 UTC
you can use kaspersky password manager. its the best online password protect software.
2010-04-02 07:08:19 UTC
use alot of random numbers in the password.
2010-04-01 22:17:40 UTC
Miss Glamophonic
2010-04-01 20:54:28 UTC
Different passwords.

If you are the only one who uses the computer, roboform is amazing.
2010-03-27 17:28:07 UTC
2010-04-02 16:04:10 UTC
Use long, unique passwords and dont tell anybody it
2010-04-01 10:58:17 UTC
very good anti-virus software, strong spyware, malware.

and a strong password with a combination of letters and numbers :)
2010-03-14 04:47:35 UTC
add a variety of what charecters are in there

i also have some advice for you: pick a rememberable random word and use it as your password.

this is because people can guess things you like.

some websites have a security report which will tell you that the website is safe for your info. in internet explorer, a lock will show next to the refresh button (IE8)
2010-03-06 02:05:05 UTC
use gmail, yahoo, known service provider. Use good anti virus like eset(activation key available free on net) and type the password using virtual keyboard to stop key logger.
2010-04-02 02:17:11 UTC
1:The longer, the better.

2:Changing passwords every mouth.

3:Don't use atuo login
2010-02-24 15:24:23 UTC
By Keeping your password to yourself and mix it up with letters and numbers.
2010-04-02 13:56:03 UTC
An excellent firewall too. Like the one in a Linksys internet router.

Run Shieldsup at to test your firewall.
2010-03-29 13:13:34 UTC
a very long and good password
Mr. Answerking
2010-04-01 23:55:28 UTC
Well I use the same password for every site I go to and it's "Speilberg"

No one's cracked it yet.
2010-04-02 01:16:15 UTC
You just have to choose your best created logic password...
2010-03-31 16:05:06 UTC
If you have a Gmail account log in every 24 hours
2010-03-18 04:09:06 UTC
Use antivirus program and a good antispyware program.

Never save passwords to a browser
2010-04-02 13:43:15 UTC
we can start by publishing our passwords ionline
2010-04-01 15:42:14 UTC
dont have passwords to begin with
2010-03-29 08:15:11 UTC
1) Don't tell ANYONE your password

2) Make it EXTREMELY complicated for somone to guess

3) Create an Account Security Question

4) Don't go on websites you aren't sure are good people

5) Install an Anti-Virus software on your computer
2010-03-27 13:53:04 UTC
Don't keep any stored in your browser or any other password utility even if it encrypts them
2010-03-01 03:35:19 UTC
u can change password weakly but one more every mail id's u can give Only one password dint change different type's of password's ok u can give example; ROSE after 1 weak u can be change small letter's rose that's all
2010-03-26 15:34:22 UTC
we can change our passwords every few weeks and make them complicated, giving no clues from our names, birth dates, etc.
2010-03-11 16:56:01 UTC
A password should be random numbers and letters. No pattern and no meaning. Purely random.
Neil Golstein
2010-04-01 09:50:36 UTC
Your Not Sending Me To The Cooler.
2010-03-29 00:49:29 UTC
In short, I recommend you to use roboform software, which protects & fills automatically to login at any website.
2010-03-27 13:59:01 UTC
think of something creative, like something that doesn't make any sense (but write it down) my password used to be "isccspubt" but i changed it (this is not Ariel, this is her sister)
2010-02-20 05:32:17 UTC
Use different password for each website

never save passwords on any website

always log-out and clear cache
2010-02-24 04:25:37 UTC
you just have to choose Ur best created logic password ^_^

make sure that the information in your email add is validate so that when someone hacked ur password u just simply retrieve it again.. O_o
Dick Head
2010-03-28 08:21:35 UTC
Make it something you can remember, like the name of a family member, friend or a swear word.
2010-03-28 08:16:38 UTC
Delete cookies after every internet session
2010-04-02 15:21:31 UTC
Using capital and small letters with numbers, changing it often?
John S
2010-03-26 13:06:30 UTC
chuck norris doesnt have to protect his passwords. people stay away out of fear
2010-02-26 22:54:27 UTC
install software can protect passwords
2010-04-01 05:39:20 UTC
do not use common words or numbers that easily guessable by others..for example date of birth, phone, etc, and use numbers and words combination like dafadfas1231231sdf34sdf4r23r or anything easier for you and change it every time you think it's the time to do it...but i think
2010-04-01 19:12:53 UTC
Choose really weird combinations of letters and numbers.
2010-03-31 06:42:22 UTC
Use your identity number, but in viceversa (start with the last character and end with the last)
2010-03-28 04:40:13 UTC
wow you're really worried about safety online! I swear I answered a q of yours yesterday about viruses...
2010-03-27 19:56:28 UTC
With a leather cage and a really strong whip.
2010-03-27 17:56:14 UTC
use strong pass words not 123456 abcdef 123abc like that are easy to be guesed by others...and good antyvirus too..!
2010-04-02 12:37:59 UTC
By making sure its easy to remeber but hard for anyone else to know. And changing it when you think someone knows it.
.The Ugly Truth
2010-04-01 19:45:10 UTC
hard passwords
2010-03-31 09:53:01 UTC
not leaving your password in reminder!
2010-03-16 21:39:03 UTC
Change your passwords regularly.
2010-04-02 11:31:52 UTC
don't tell anyone your passwords
Mojo Ryzin
2010-04-01 14:44:56 UTC
thanx 4 tha points
2010-03-28 05:48:27 UTC
get a realllly good password
2010-03-17 17:59:14 UTC
Click NO whenever a site offers to "Remember Password".
2010-04-01 05:02:00 UTC
click remember password, you'll be safe when it comes to keylogging
2010-03-27 23:37:55 UTC
the only real way to be protected is by using linux.
2010-02-07 13:17:50 UTC
do not use your name or birth date in paswords

no pet name no kids name

use complex passwords

configure your pc to not save passwords or log on info

delete history and cookies from internet properties

in webpage click tools>internet properties> general>settings >and set history to 0

also click delete button and click delete all
2010-03-31 14:54:55 UTC
use numbers, symbols, and a mix of capital and lowercase letters. change every 2 weeks.
2010-03-26 11:49:56 UTC
dont tell people your passwords?
2010-02-04 22:15:33 UTC
I think you can use complicated password with numbers and words both in it.

Different password for every website

Don't give any website your log in detail for other website
2010-03-28 14:45:56 UTC
use different passwords
2010-02-01 19:50:10 UTC
Some simple tips are making them Complex, having Capitals and lower case letters, add numbers, and never use the same password for multiple accounts
2010-04-01 19:15:37 UTC
Ah, promoting your business, huh? And you consider yourself honest? LOL. Troll
2010-03-27 10:41:33 UTC
Install anti-virus software...
2010-02-22 17:31:31 UTC
1) Make a hard long one if it is for a site and write it down somewhere.

2) use a protection if it is for computer
2010-03-29 04:35:21 UTC
make them at least ten digits, of letters and numbers, and something no one else can guess. leave out easy ones like your kids' names, birthdays etc.
2010-03-27 03:16:40 UTC
Encrypt them
2010-02-25 11:35:23 UTC
Norton 360 helps with that

I have it and no one is going to find out that my password is 4R53N4L

Oh ****
2010-03-29 01:34:41 UTC
By changing them often.
2010-03-27 06:20:19 UTC
Give Them to me, I'll take good care of them
2010-03-28 19:28:00 UTC
change em up regularly

use caps and special characters

keep your pc patched
2010-02-08 06:14:03 UTC

- create a good password using upper and lower case, special characters and numbers

- use more than 6 characters for your passwords

- do not use your or your family member's name, nickname, birthday or telephone number, pet's name ect.

- change your passwords and security questions regulary

- select an answer that has noting to do with the security question but easy to remember for you

- use upper and lower case, special characters and numbers

- use a good antivirus program and scanning my machine regulary

- use a good antispyware program

- don't click on strange links I receive by email

- never give my account information or password in case you receive a mail requesting it

- don't click on strange links that come up in instant messaging windows

- never open mails from unknown senders

- never add strange people to my MSN contacts

☺remember - use your passwords like your toothbrush, select a good quality, do not share it and change it each month☺

seeya ☺
2010-03-28 13:42:22 UTC
Sticking your dick into a lights socket
2010-03-28 09:43:55 UTC
Forget It lol
2010-04-02 15:19:26 UTC
I'm answer 200, oh yeah!
**Simply me**
2010-03-30 08:08:48 UTC
pick a hard password that you can remeber

mix up the numbers with symbols such as

Vintage Music
2010-02-01 20:23:41 UTC
Using capital and small letters with numbers; and changing password every 3 weeks.
2010-03-31 08:53:45 UTC
use your last name
2010-03-28 09:26:58 UTC
By not checking the "Remember me" box.
super sonic
2010-03-28 09:25:39 UTC
write it on a piece of paper and hide it in your room
2010-04-01 03:24:27 UTC
type lots of words and number that have no meaning
2010-03-31 08:35:34 UTC
I wish I knew!
2010-03-28 22:31:54 UTC
just pull up a link such as . virus names i chose this one . Morphology

from it i will use this as my pass word bəgwanəma-χ-a = man-ACCUSATIVE-DETERMINER

you can hid it in your PC as a photo name . and noone will know . and it is hard to brake .
The CRYING Potato
2010-03-28 16:11:02 UTC
use a lot of numbers, letters, and a symbol
2010-03-27 22:03:12 UTC
you don't need to pay anything to "protect" them, as they are not at risk.

2010-03-26 15:49:16 UTC
Change them frequently...use Caps and #' not share them with anyone
2010-02-01 19:49:40 UTC
Good passwords, and a different password for each site.
2010-03-27 10:12:23 UTC
Are you an advertiser? What is Gemalto?
2010-04-01 06:11:40 UTC
Tell me and i will guard them with my life!
Martin Brick
2010-03-28 12:00:21 UTC
cardio therapy mate
2010-02-02 06:59:52 UTC
Try to use your password more that 8 words. Do not share your pc hard disk drive which is on lan, wan

and Wi-Fi.
alex j
2010-04-01 11:38:58 UTC
Keep it a secret.
2010-04-01 03:23:44 UTC
nothing shorter than 36 characters----change them every month ---never give them out



2 of mine are longer than that
2010-03-29 08:57:08 UTC
anti virus
2010-04-02 17:59:17 UTC
don't click the stay signed in button
2010-03-30 16:03:23 UTC
only use site that are secure

and dont tell any one
2010-03-30 08:19:12 UTC
use alpha/numerical mixed..and change regularely...such as 1a2b3c4d
2010-02-01 23:02:02 UTC
by changing passwords every month or 4x a year
2010-04-01 19:42:33 UTC
a lock
2010-03-28 10:20:28 UTC
don't give out your birthdate and certain personal information.
2010-04-01 13:56:16 UTC
robert pattinson
2010-04-02 15:05:12 UTC
antivirus duhh
2010-03-26 17:13:00 UTC
2010-04-02 10:07:18 UTC
My mother in-law could never do that, so NO not ALL of us.
2010-04-01 21:07:17 UTC
hhow long are u keeping this question up?
Senor B
2010-04-01 23:10:20 UTC
don't download stupid ****. don't visit sketchy websites. don't send money to Nigerians who claim they will pay you back.
2010-04-01 07:18:31 UTC
trusteer rapport
2010-03-28 21:10:18 UTC
by getting macs
2010-04-01 14:10:22 UTC
By using your common sense, god damnit.
2010-02-11 05:26:48 UTC
Download RoboForm, it's a freebee. It can generate passwords for as many sites as you like then you have your own master password to open any site. It pays to keep a record just in case of failure.

It's brilliant.
ツĐδģ Ĺōvёŗ♫♥™
2010-04-02 11:30:07 UTC
not tell anyone?make them long
2010-03-29 06:29:16 UTC
I can make ur bedrock!!!
2010-03-27 19:57:03 UTC
Don't give it out!
2010-03-26 22:32:54 UTC
i think ther r sum sites...idk
2010-02-24 04:32:18 UTC
make a RRRREEEEEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYY long password and dont share it
2010-03-31 02:44:50 UTC
you can find some tips here :
2010-03-28 18:33:33 UTC
2010-03-21 05:20:33 UTC
Using good av like Norton 360. Using Official sites like not like .

Phoenix One UK
2010-04-02 16:18:25 UTC
You cannot.
♡ Marieeeeee ♡
2010-03-26 10:55:53 UTC
don't give them away. and delete cookies.
2010-03-29 05:42:50 UTC
2010-02-01 19:49:17 UTC
Extremely good anti-virus, spyware, malware, ETC.

aand a REALLY good password
♥ρєαcнγ мαиɠσ♥
2010-03-28 11:13:00 UTC
by not answering this question!
2010-03-28 15:54:39 UTC
don't share them
2010-03-26 11:22:04 UTC
2010-04-02 17:37:41 UTC
Not sure.
Say It Ain't So
2010-04-01 10:27:53 UTC
Not sure fire wall?
2010-04-01 15:55:06 UTC
not tell anybody
2010-03-29 20:39:55 UTC
2010-03-07 14:51:29 UTC
Simplest answer? We never can.
2010-02-20 16:07:52 UTC
good antivirus
2010-04-02 18:40:27 UTC
..Dont tell anyone.
2010-04-01 23:15:33 UTC
I fornicate with kittens!
2010-03-26 06:46:25 UTC
you can't!
2010-04-02 01:12:35 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.