Sounds like the United States federal government's National Security Agency's "Security Enhanced Linux" is what you're looking for. Try installing SELinux on your distribution.
Also, security suites do not magically protect people against hackers. (The average Security Suite will protect you from a total idiot who learned how to use one or two "hacks" he got from someone else, but not actual hackers.) Security suites, firewalls, etc. are made effective only by being very careful about limiting access, setting up your firewall to pay careful attention to certain types of behavior, etc.
More seriously, since you're switching to Linux right now, any serious attempts at securing your PC, like using SELinux, will probably wreak havoc on your installation because you won't know what you're doing and you will want to pull your hairs out as you figure out that some stuff suddenly isn't working anymore thanks to your new security measures, which you don't understand.
By the way, there are no real "big names" in the Linux world for security suites, and most Linux users would never dare use a security installation by reputation alone.
For now, stick to the rule of thumb of "never log in as root" and ask at the Ubuntu forums for help on how to secure your Ubuntu installation.
Maybe look at this: