Sounds like it was Antivirus 2008 or 2009. 'Lovely Stuff', huh?
See if you can open Windows Explorer. (Windows Explorer, not Internet Explorer)
Start>Hover your mouse cursor on All Programs>Up to Accessories>Down to Windows Explorer.
In Windows Explorer your My Documents folder will automatically be open, in the 'tree' on the left, and the contents will be shown on the right. I like to close the 'tree' on the left hand side, to help avoid confusion.
(Click on the Minus { - } sign next to My Documents in the tree)
1.Click on the + sign next to My Computer
2.Click on the + sign next to Local Disk (C:)
3.Look down the tree. See the yellow folder that the heading ->Windows is next to? Go down further. See the Control Panel heading?
Click on Control Panel this time, not on the + sign.
On the right should be your Control Panel screen.
If you can't get this far, or Control Panel still will not work, I suggest you download the free version of Malwarebytes Anti-malware program.
I found with THIS program, it will give the 'kiss of death' to Antivirus 2008 and 2009.
After you run it, you should have control back over your computer.
By the way. If this is your computer, YOU are the System Administrator.
1.Free version: (LET IT RUN!! DON'T touch anything, no matter how real it looks, or anything! You might get a bunch of pop-ups. Some are REAL Microsoft stuff, some are fake that look JUST LIKE the real stuff!
Don't touch anything though, and let Malwarebytes do it's stuff. Takes about thirty five minutes, or so)