where can i get question papers of V and VI semester of T.Y. BSC I.T(information technnology) please help me?
2006-10-14 07:50:43 UTC
where can i get question papers of V and VI semester of T.Y. BSC I.T(information technnology) please help me?
Three answers:
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2006-10-14 08:26:54 UTC
Copy this website and paste it in website menu, this website help you to find question papers of V and VI semester of T.Y. BSC I.T. If not mail me at I will help you confirmly. If you want it quickly, search with help of google. If you could not find.mail me.

this is the model papaer:

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. A) Choose the correct answer and rewrite the sentence :

i) ____________ is the fundamental unit if the nervous system.

a) axon c) medulla oblongata

b) neuron d) CSF

ii) The following bacteria produce pigment

a) D.pneumoniae c) Staphylococcus aureus

b) E.coli d) Proteus vulgaris

iii) Widal test is used for the diagnosis of

a) tetanus c) tuberculosis

b) typhoid d) typhus fever

iv) Liver forms and excretes

a) lipase c) bilirubin

b) amylase d) insulin

v) Sigmoid colon is s part of

a) small intestine c) stomach

b) pharynx d) large intestine

B) Correct the following statements :

i) Lab. diagnosis of Clostridium infection is based on observations of acid fast bacilli.

ii) TCBS medium is selective for Salmonella.

iii) BCG vaccine is used to prevent cholera.

iv) Impetigo is caused by Meningococcus.

v) Salmonella causes food poisoning.

2. Attempt any two of the following :

List the bacterial disease of the lower respiratory system and their causative agents.

Draw a neat labeled diagram of urinary system and show the sites of

urethritis , ureteritis , cystitis and pyelonephritis.

Describe the importance of case survey design in an epidemiological


3. Comment on ( any two ) :

Prophylactic importance of BCG vaccine.

Diagnostic titre in Widal test.

Tubercle formation in mycobacterial infections.

Describe the pathogenesis and treatment in Cholera.


Describe the pathogenesis and lab. diagnosis in bacillary dysentery.



Fermentation Technology

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. a. Name any two antifoam agents.

b. Broth rheology is determined by

i) Microbial features

ii) Medium constituents

iii) Both of the above

iv) None of the i) and ii)

c. State two types of continuous sterilizers used for medium sterilization.

d. Give two advantages of thermistors as temperature monitoring method.

e. State the protection mechanism of phage-resistant mutants developed by strain

improvement method.

f. Give any two methods of remaining suspended solids before filter sterilization.

g. State the equation for determining overall ‘Del’ factor.

h. Slow metabolizable carbon sources are mostly used insecondary metabolite


i. Give the importance of ‘toxicity testing’ in quality assurance of a fermentation


j. The market potential of a fermentation product depends upon

i) size of present and potential market

ii) increase in demand

iii) both I and ii

iv) none of I and ii

2. Attempt ant two :

a. Describe various types of carbon sources in medium formulation.

b. Describe the technique of developing auxotrophic mutant with suitable example

as a method of strain improvement.

c. Enlist various minerals used in formulation of fermentation medium.

3. Attempt any two :

a. Explain the principle of surface response methodology used for medium optimization. Give its advantages over classical approach.

b. Describe various methods of monitoring pH during a fermentation process.

c. Describe the method of pyrogen testing of an injectable vial sample.

Describe various physical and physico-chemicxal methods of quantitation of fermentation product.


Explain the construction of a ‘Scale up window’ for defining operating parameters of a fermentation product.



Enzymology and Biochemistry

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. Attempt as directed:

a) List any two amino acids likely to be present in an enzyme active site.

b) Write the symptoms caused by deficiency of folic acid.

c) Name two enzymes that can be assayed by manometric method.

d) State the co-ordinates of Lineweaver-Burke plot indicating slope and intercept.

e) Write the equation to calculate molecular weight of an enzyme by osmotic pressure.

f) What is the effect of simple non-competitve inhibitor on Vm and Km?

g) List two zymogens and their respective activated enzyme forms.

h) Name any four types of feed back inhibitions.

i) Correct the following statement if necessary.

“ Km is a function of enzyme concentration and Vm is independent of it”

j) State two types of ligands used for purification of enzymes by affinity chroma-


2. Attempt any two of the following :

a) How will you calculate Ki in the case of simple –non competitive inhibition.

b) Describe feed back repression stating an example.

c) Enlist criteria of purity of enzymes. Describe a method to ascertain any one


3. Attempt any two :

a) How will you assay an enzyme by radio isotope assay ?

b) Draw the structure and describe biochemical function of biotin.

c) How will you determine molecular weight of an enzyme by ultracentrifugation.

4. What strategies will you adopt to lyse cells to obtain enzyme in their active

state ?


Define the terms ‘Unit , specific activity’ , ‘Kcat’ and ‘Katal’ , in relation to enzyme

assay. Discuss the principles of enzyme assays.




Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. Attempt the questions as per directions :

1. Which of the f ollowing classes of immunoglobulins is associated with

anaphylactic delayed hypersensitivity ?

a. Ig A c. Ig G

b. Ig E d. Ig M

2. Where is the range of an Ig G heavy chain is located ?

a. Bet. VH and VH! c. Bet. VH2 and VH3

b. Bet. VH1 and VH2 d. None of these.

3. Define heterophile antigen.

4. Serodiagnosis of typhoid is possible by

a. VDRL test c. Weil-Felix test

b. Widal test d. Kahn test

5. The phenomenon of ‘Phagocytosis’ was discovered by

a. Wright c. Ruska

b. Metchnikoff d. Richet

6. Passive immunization is due to injection of

a. Adjuvant c. Haptens

b. Antibodies d. Antigen

7. Define isoantigen.

8. Which of the following classes of immunoglobulins are in pentameric in

form ?

a. Ig A c. Ig M

b. Ig D d. Ig G

9. White blood cell count is associated with

a. B-cell function c. Both the above

b. T-cell function d. Neither a nor b

10. Which of the following classes of immunoglobulins appear first after

immunization ?

a. Ig D c. Ig G

b. Ig M d. Ig E

2. Write short notes on ( any two ) :

a. Evidence in support of ‘Burnet’s clonal selection theory’.

b. Diagrammatically illustrate the principle of ELISA.

c. Haptens.

3. Write short notes on ( any two ) :

a. Complement Fixation test

b. B cell activation

c. Draw the diagram of thymus and describe its functions.

4. a. Define immunogen and describe various factors affecting immunogenecity.


a. Describe complement factors and classical pathway of complement activation.



Genetics and Molecular Biology

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. Rewrite the statement choosing the correct option ( for questions A to E )

A ) A DNA-RNA hybrid cannot obtain a B form because

a. it is hybrid

b. of presence of uracil instead of thymine

c. of presence of O at C2 position of ribose

d. of absence of O at C2 position of deoxyribose

B ) Priming is an essential step in DNA replication because

a. DNA polymerase III is unable to begin synthesis in the absence of a primer

b. DNA polymerase III can synthesize DNA only in 5’ to 3’ direction.

c. RNA polymerase is required for the priming reaction.

d. None of the above.

C ) Transduction in bacteria was discovered by

a. F.Griffith

b. Beadle and Tatum

c. Lederberg and Lederberg

d. Avery and McLeod

D ) Most of the generalized transductions are abortive because

a. phage DNA is unable to multiply

b. bacterial DNA carried by phage cannot multiply

c. bacterial DNA + phage DNA cannot multiply

d. phage DNA is unable to integrate.

E ) The mechanism of DNA transfer from donor to recipient in bacterial conjugation is


a. tra gene

b. looped gene

c. rolling circle

d. mobilization

Define the following ( F to J ) :

F ) Euchromatin

G ) F’ strain

H ) Cistron

I ) Okazaki fragment

J ) Competence

2. Diagrammatically illustrate ( any two ) :

a. Formation of λ dgal particles

b. Holliday intermediate

c. Breakage and copying model of recombination.

3. Attempt any two :

a. What is intragenic complementation ? Illustrate with example.

b. Describe the role of rec A in homologous recombination.

c. Describe the process of elongation during DNA synthesis.

4. Describe the properties of F plasmid. State and justify whether the F plasmid

can be said to be a parasite on bacterial cell.


What are possible adaptive advantages of transformation ? What is the role of

transformation in virulence of S.pneumoniae.



Food and Dairy Microbiology

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. a. State the fat concentration in toned milk.

b. Give principles of dye reduction test.

c. What is the advantage of UHT method of pasteurization.

d. Write two defects produced by spoilage of canned foods.

e. Define Z value.

f. Name any two types of Aflatoxin.

g. Write two agents used for cold sterilization of food.

h. Which is the organism that causes brucellosis in cattle ?

i. What is the major difference between the composition of milk and colustrum.

j. Choose correct choice and rewrite the statement . Staphylococcal food poisoning

is due to

a. enterotoxin c. aflatoxin

b. neurotoxin d. none of these.

2. Attempt any two :

a. What are different types of milk ?

b. Explain importance of phosphate test.

c. Explain food infection caused by Salmonella with respect to sources.

3. Attempt any two :

a. How is food preserved by using chemicals ?

b. Write about starter cultures and their role in curd formation.

c. Explain significance of bacterial counts in milk analysis.

4. Describe food spoilage with respect to sources and prevention.


Describe colour and flavour defects produced in milk.


Second Term or Fourth Semester

MB – 341

Medical Microbiology

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

Attempt the following :

i) The sexual development of plasmodium occurs in .

ii) Antifungal drugs can cure Candia infections . True/False.

iii) Trophozoite of Entamoeba histolytica is responsible for pathogenesis.


iv) Hepatitis A is a RNA virus. True/False.

v) Reverse transcriptase is present in Hepatitis Virus. True/False.

vi) Ostomycosis is caused by .

vii) is the vector for transmission of Dengue fever.

viii) Actinomycin D acts on of fungi.

ix) The transmission of Cryptococcus occurs through .

x) Poliovirus belongs to the family-

a. Retroviridae b. Paramyxoviridae

c. Picornaviridae d. None of these.

Attempt any two of the following :

Draw and label three morphological forms of Entamoeba histolytica.

Discuss antigen drift and shift in Influenza virus.

Discuss desirable parameters of a good chemotherapeutic agent.

Attempt any two of the following ;

Discuss the transmission of HIV.

Give the mode of action of Streptomycin.

Comment on transmission of FMD.

Attempt the following ;

Discuss different mechanisms of Drug resistance.


Discuss with diagram Life cycle of Plasmodium vivax.



Fermentation Technology

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

Attempt the following questions as per directions :

A) i) Riboflavin is also known as

a. Vitamin B2

b. Lactoflavin

c. Vitamin G

d. All of the above.

ii) Antibiotic streptomycin is one of the following type ;

e. Aminoglycide

f. beta-lactam

g. Polyene

h. Macrolide

B) State whether True or False :

i) Lysine is used as a flavouring agent.

ii) Cyanide plays an important role in the manufacture of Vitamin B12

C) Define :

i) Pesticides

ii) Oxford Unit of Penicillin.

D) Attempt :

i) Give four uses of acetic acid.

ii) Name different organisms used for production of SCP.

iii) Name two naturally occurring Penicillins.

iv) Name the organisms used for assay of Vitamin B12.

Attempt any two of the following :

a. Give the application of proteases.

b. Explain in brief the recovery of Riboflavin.

c. Discuss the phases of Streptomycin production and graphically

represent its time course of production.

Attempt any two of the following :

a. Briefly describe the production of baker’s yeast.

b. Describe two microbial steroid transformations.

c. Explain in brief the production of anti tetanus serum (ATS).

Attempt any one of the following :

a. With the help of a flow sheet , describe the commercial production of Industrial


Enlist the different methods used for the production of Citric Acid and describe in

detail its commercial production.



Enzymology and Biochemistry

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. Attempt the following questions as per directions :

1. Define ‘ Free energy ’.

2. Define ‘antiport’.

3. ATP + H2O → ________

4. The standard free energy canhge of 1, 3 diphosphoglycerate is __________

5. When ∆ G is negative then the reaction proceeds in _______ deiraction.

6. Living cells are never at equilibrium with their surroundings. True/False.

7. Odd chain fatty acids are not converted completely to acetyl Co-A. True/False.

8. _________ has decreased to a minimum when a system is in thermodynamic


9. Galactoside permease transports lactose alongwith ___________ ions.

a). Na + b). K+ c). Cl- d). H+

10. Cytochrome proteins participate in ____________ electron transport.

a). 1 b). 2 c). 3 d). 4

2. Attempt any two of the following :

1. Diagrammatically represent ‘ Calvin Cycle ’.

2. Write applications of Immobilized enzymes.

3. Explain the process of Facilitaded diffusion with suitable examples.

3. Attempt any two of the following :

1. Explain the process of elongation in protein synthesis.

2. Explain the mechanism of passive transport.

3. Explain ‘ Chemiosmotic hypothesis of ATP formation’.

4. Attempt the following :

Explain beta-oxidation of fatty acids.


Define photophosphorylation and differentiate between cyclic and non-cyclic





Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. A) Fill in the blanks with the correct answers :

i) __________ antibodies are involved in allergic reactions.

ii) Mixed lymphocyte reaction is used for __________ typing.

iii) An effector cell in CMI is __________.

iv) HLA stands for ___________.

v) Histamine is present in granules of ____________ cells.

B) Match the following with correct answers :

(A) (B)

i) Class II MHC Allograft

ii) Class I MHC Marophage

iii) Effector T cells CD8

iv) Antigen processing CD4

v) Fetus Tc cells

2. Attempt any two of the following :

a. Immunization schedule in India.

b. Biochemistry of Blood group substances.

c. Graft versus Host (GVH).

3. Attempt ant two of the following :

i) Central role of TH cells.

ii) Primary and secondary immune response.

iii) Diagrammatically represent structure of HLA complex.

4. Attempt the following :

Describe in brief ‘ABO’ and ‘Rh’ Blood group system.


What is hypersensitivity ? Describe in brief ‘ Hypersenstivity Type I ’ in detail.


Genetics and Molecular Biology

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. Answer all sub-questions as per directions given :

a. State the role of RNA polymerase in transcription of bacterial DNA.

b. Lytic cycle of bacteriophage lambda is intiated by the action of _______

i) CI repressor protein

ii) Cro protein

iii) N protein

iv) C II/ C III proteins.

c. What is ‘promoter’.

d. Name sequential stages of a eukaryotic cell cycle.

e. State true or false : Crossing over is a monopoly of meiosis.

f. Define plasmid.

g. Give specific requirements for the action of T4 DNA ligase.

h. PCR technique is used for _________

i) making multiple copies of a gene

ii) cutting DNA

iii) ligating DNA.

i) What are conditional lethal mutants of bacteriophage T4.

j) Define plasmid incompatibility.

2. Attempt any two of the following :

a. Graphically represent the one step growth curve of bacteriophage T4.

b. Explain how genes are mapped using tetrad analysis.

c. Enlist types of plasmid and explain any two types.

3. Attempt any two of the following :

a. Explain the protocol of Southern blotting technique.

b. Explain the concept of polyploidy with suitable examples. Explain the mechanism of

induction of polyploidy.

c. Explain the process of maintenance of lambda lysogeny at a molecular level.

4. Attempt any one of the following :

a. Enlist structural details and working of lactose operon in E.coli.

b. Enlist and explain any one method for obtaining recombinant DNA.



Food and Dairy Microbiology

Time : 2 hours Max. Marks : 40

Instruction : 1. All questions are compulsory.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

3. Draw neat-labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. Attempt the following :

1. Soil of mineral origin is formed due to ___________

a). decomposition of plant matter c). weathering of rocks

b). decomposition of animal remains d). mineralization

2. The organic fraction of soil is termed as __________

a). Mineral c). Compost

b). Humus d). Biomass

3.Composting process involves increase in temperature in the compost pile. True/False.

4. Nitrosamines are carcinogenic , mutagenic and teratogenic. True/False.

5. The secondary layers of the cell wall and middle lamella of plants contain cellulose.


6. Elemental sulfur occurs in ___________ amino acids.

7. Organism that can use atmospheric nitrogen as their sole source of nitrogen are _____.

8. Energy obtained from biomass is called ___________.

9. Crinkle of potato is caused by ___________ and __________.

10. Define cometabolism.

2. Attempt ant two of the following :

a. What is composting ? Explain the role of microorganisms in the formation of compost.

b. Discuss the various methods of biological control of plant diseases.

c. Diagrammatically represent free-floating dome model of a biogas plant.

3. Attempt any two of the following :

a. What is Humus ? How is it formed ?

b. What are the different strategies of chemical pesticides bioremediation ?

c. Explain the biochemistry of non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation.

4. Attempt any one of the following :

a. Describe in detail the production of Bioinoculants using Azotobacter.

b. Diagrammatically represent the nitrogen cycle.


Practical Papers

T.Y.BSc. Practical Course I

Diagnostic Microbiology and Immunology

[ Max. Marks : 80]

1. An enriched clinical specimen of Urine/Stool/Blood has been provided to you.

Proceed to isolate and identify the human pathogen present in it. [25]

2. Determine the blood group of the given sample by the tile/ slide method using

known standard antibodies. [10]

3. Detect the presence of specific antibodies in the test sample by gel diffusion

technique. [10]


Determine the hemoglobin content of the given blood sample.


Analyse the given urine sample for sugar / protein / ketone bodies / bile salts.

4. Perform the differential WBC count of the given blood sample. [10]

5. Spots [10]

6. Viva voce [10]

7. Journal [5]


T.Y.BSc. Practical Course II

Biochemisry and Genetics

[ Max. Marks : 80]

1. Find out the units of enzyme activity and the specific activity of amylase from the

given sample. [25]

2. Estimate the blood sugar / urea / serum cholesterol / total proteins and albumin

from the given clinical sample. [10]

3. Determine the Rf value of the given amino-acid from the given sample . [10]

4. Isolate an auxotrophic mutant from the given culture exposed to U V light , by

the replica plate technique. [10]

5. Spots [10]

6. Viva voce [10]

7. Journal [5]


T.Y.BSc. Practical Course III

Applied Microbiology and Fermentation Technology

[ Max. Marks : 80]

1. By using a suitable microorganism assay the antibiotic / growth factor from the given sample by the agar diffusion technique. [20]

2. Isolate and identify the plant pathogen from the given sample. [15]

3. Estimate colorimetrically , ethanol from the given sample and determine the yield of alcohol and determine the percentage the efficiency of the fermentation process.


4. Determine the fat content / carry out MBRT test of the given milk sample. [10]

5. Spots [10]

6. Viva voce [10]

7. Journal [5]




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2006-10-14 08:15:05 UTC
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.