Run scans with these two free programs (~8
1. SpyDLLRemover is the standalone tool to effectively detect and delete spywares from the system. It comes with advanced spyware scanner which quickly discovers hidden Rootkit processes as well suspcious/injected DLLs within all running processes.
Go here for details and download
Download portable version here and put it on a flash drive / CD whatever?
Go here for info on dll's
2. Malwarebytes free version is a on demand scanner that is very effective at malware removal and removing regedit and task manager restrictions.
(Note) Works best in safe mode with networking.
(Note) If it won't install right click on the mbam setup app and rename it xxxx then Dbl click on it and install,update and run a full scan and delete/quarantine all entities it finds and restart if it asks?
(Note) If it won't update use this link to download and install the latest rules.
(Note) If you already have Malwarebytes installed and it won't run go in it's program file and rt click on the red mbam app and rename it mbam.bat then rt click and choose send to-> Desktop (create shortcut) now close out of everything and go to your desk top and use that app to launch M-Bam for now on.