Abbreviated as BSOD or BSoD, the blue screen of death is the popularized name for the full, blue screen that often displays after a serious system error. The text on the blue screen of death usually describes, in very technical detail, the specific files and memory areas that were involved in the error.
By default, most Windows installations are programmed to automatically restart after a BSOD which makes reading the error message impossible.
Follow these easy steps to disable the automatic restart feature for system failures in Windows XP.
Navigate to the Control Panel in Windows XP by left-clicking on Start, followed by Settings and then choosing Control Panel.
In the Control Panel window, open System.
Note: In Microsoft Windows XP, depending on how your operating system is setup, you may not see the System icon. To correct this, click on the link on the left-hand side of the Control Panel window that says Switch to Classic View.
* In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.
* Locate the Startup and Recovery area and click on the Settings button.
* In the Startup and Recovery window, locate and uncheck the check box next to Automatically restart.
* Click OK in the Startup and Recovery window.
* Click OK in the System Properties window.
* From now on, when a problem causes a BSOD or another major error that halts the system, the PC will not automatically reboot. Rebooting manually will be necessary.
Follow these easy steps to disable the automatic restart feature for system failures in Windows Vista.
Click on Start and then Control Panel.
* Type system in the search box after clicking Start. Choose System from the list of results.
* In the task pane on the left, click the Advanced system settings link.
* Locate the Startup and Recovery area and click on the Settings button.
* In the Startup and Recovery window, locate and uncheck the check box next to Automatically restart.
* Click OK in the Startup and Recovery window.
* Click OK in the System Properties window.
* You can now close the System window.
* From now on, when a problem causes a BSOD or another major error that halts the system, the PC will not automatically reboot. Rebooting manually will be necessary.
What Causes the Blue Screen of Death?
Sometimes bad or flaky memory (RAM memory, not your hard drive) can cause seemingly random system crashes. If you have just the right combination of programs open and system memory in use, and your computer tries to access a "bad spot" on a RAM chip, the results can be unpredictable. Or they can be the Blue Screen of Death. You can try replacing your RAM sticks one at a time to see if the problem goes away. This involves opening up the system unit and looking at scary wires and stuff, so for some people just living with the problem may be a workable option.
More likely, you have a software problem. Some programs just don't get along... they trample on each other's memory spaces and confusion (or the BSOD) results. And it seems that Windows just gets old and cranky the longer you have it installed. You may solve the problem by using the System File Checker (To run the System File Checker, click Start, then Run, then enter this command:
SFC /SCANNOW), SFC may run for quite a while, so don't be alarmed if it grinds away for 30 minutes or more. Unfortunately, it does not produce a report of problems that it found and fixed. When SFC finishes, reboot your computer and see if the error message is gone. If SFC doesn't do the trick, or if you know for sure that you need just one specific DLL file, you can try You can search for the desired file, then download a ZIP containing your file and a README with instructions for installation or if all else fails, by
re-installing the Windows operating system and/or your software packages. If the problem seems to be limited to one particular program, try re-installing just that one first.
Spyware or a computer virus can also make strange things happen.
Relax and
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ROCK ON!!! :7)