Well first of all the keylogger you thought you had was infact just a Fake ...see this in the link...
Lsas.Blaster.Keylogger is a fake Trojan infection that is usually downloaded to the PC by a rogue anti-spyware application called System Security 2009. Once installed, fake security alert appears and warns the user about the worm Lsas.Blaster.Keylogger.
In this link you will see the following....under On-screen keyboards.
Most on screen keyboards (such as the onscreen keyboard that comes with Microsoft Windows XP) send normal keyboard event messages to the external target program to type text. Every software keylogger can log these typed characters sent from one program to another.[14] Additionally, keylogging software can take screenshots of what is displayed on the screen (periodically, and/or upon each mouse click).
So an alternative is Trusteerrapport which i'm told is very good and recommended by some banks
but can slow you down a shade ....but better to be slowed down than robbed.
Another alternative which i use is the Virtual Keyboard in Kaspersky 2010 but the link below is from KIS 2011 which is the latest version....but still doing critical fixes for it i believe
Protection for your digital identity at all times Improved!
Smart anti-phishing protection and Virtual Keyboard keep your digital identity absolutely secure when you are shopping, banking or social networking online..
Anyway if considering changing your security anytime the Virtual Keyboard is what you want
and certainly makes you feel safer.