I got a virus on my computer. It wiped nearly everything away....videos, some pictures, most of My Programs & the shutdown panel was gone except for the shutdown button! My antivirus, Ccleaner, Advanced Systems Care, etc would not work! The Ccleaner file said "empty" as did a lot of things! I've been on this laptop for days trying to get things fixed & I being a novice have done a fairly good job just by googling & using my desktop for answers. I was able to install Super Anti-spyware & run it. Then I was able to run Malwarebytes & Microsoft Security Essentials! I found a site called "Unhide" which did unhide a lot. I found "Recuva" & ran it. the next day when I booted up, more things were back, but not everything. I was to send it into HP before all this happened! I let them know what was going on & they said they would run a systems recovery, but I had to back my computer up. I am new to doing this & Microsoft backup & restore did NOT do what it said it would. I was told this is a bad program! So, I called my son who lives in another state & he found a couple other backup programs. I tried one & at the very end, something went wrong. I called him back & we tried the other backup.....he walked me through it. It ran for hours & hours & when it was nearly all done, a box popped up & said it was aborted. Here is the message I got>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
".Backup aborted
Backup aborted
Reason:cannot add file “C:\users\Andrea\videos\2011-06-25\012.AVI”
To \\ANDREA-PC\users\Public\Documents\New Backup andi\1_C.zip.
Zip error: Seek Error
See Log File
For details
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I have found many of my videos & pictures & do NOT want to lose them. Can anyone help me? I think running everything I did over & over, the virus might be gone, but need to save just the important things before I send it in to HP.......videos, photos, documents & whatever else that is considered important! If the the virus or parts of it is still on my laptop, HP assured me they will get rid of it, but they don't do a backup!! Thanks for any help anyone can give me. I am a novice at these type of things & don't know all the advanced computer language, so, please reply in beginners terms! When I was able to use all my security programs, I did run them many times since getting this virus!