Http:// my computer goes here on its own?
2010-01-21 13:58:48 UTC
When I went to Gaia Online my computer directed me to this website within minutes? I don't know whats wrong!
53 answers:
2010-01-22 09:50:59 UTC
Ok everyone my cuz helped me fix it.

What you want to do is go into your tools. Go down and click manage Add on's and clikck enadle or disable.

Second: Disable all your add on's then re-open internet explorer. than check you gaia. after you check your gaia you can go back in and enable any add on's then check your gaia again and see if its still working right.

Hope this helps all of you. if you need to ask about what i wrote you can email me.
Your Shadow..
2010-01-23 22:41:45 UTC
Gosh I Thought I Was The Only One Getting This,Now I See How Many People Have This Common Problem I'll Continue Asking About It I Try To Stay On Gaia I Can Log In , I Can't Dress Avatar Another Iteam Or Such Though I Can't Reply & Well You Know It Doesn't Keep You Online Enough To Do Or Finish What You've Been Doing Or Wanted To Do

Anyone Who Has The Answer Post It Where You Think Gaia People Would Be ?
2010-01-24 17:59:09 UTC
Okay, I have this same problem and am NOT happy, like the rest of you. Dx I will try the whole removing all add-on's and then re-adding them. But otherwise I have figured out two other ways around it, and they are not fun. o.o

First is to click that big red X and Stop loading the page, right before it starts to redirect you. I have done this by rapidly clicking it once the red X SEEMS to go away, but it comes right back.

But the best thing I have discovered, either open a tab (I am talking firefox now) and let the gaia page you are on load for 10-20 seconds while you are off on a different tab, probably on a different website. When you go back, amusingly enough, you won't get directed! You could also just open EVERY thing you click on gaia in a new tab (right click every link, this is pretty much everything for navigating gaia. XD ) And after you give it a bit to load, close the old tabs. Spend your time waiting in a different tab basically, no matter what.

Its just a PAIN!! XD

My biggest observation: for me, it only seems to redirect if it is loading and I am actually on that page. If it loads and finishes fully while I am in another tab. This is odd. I have no idea what that could mean, but thats a piece of info no one else seems to have noted. So hopefully it helps. ^_^
Janice W
2010-01-23 09:53:13 UTC
I've had the same problem for the past 3 days. I've run Norton 2010 twice & newest version of Yahoo anti spy twice but still get redirected to a Gateway search page. And it only happens on Gaia. I can get to Gaia without problem when I use Firefox instead of IE.
2010-01-22 07:45:56 UTC
I'm having the same problem as everyone else on Gaia. Like everyone else, I've ran virus scans and everything, and nothing has come up. It seems very likely that it's Gaia's problem and not ours. I think the best we can do is report it to Gaia and see what they can come up with.

I hope it's fixed soon! I want to get on my Gaia!
2010-01-23 10:54:33 UTC
I know I can temporarily stop it by stopping loading the page but other than that I can't do much cause after that I just get booted off for a minute I can probably send in a complaint i can get onto gaia with the main computer just not my laptop.... I wonder why
2010-01-22 13:37:19 UTC
Thank you for posting this. It's happening to me too. I think it's gaia's site. It's only their site that it's happening to me on. I even did the virus check thing and everything was fine. I'm pretty sure it is gaia so hopefully they will have it fixed soon. If it was just a virus thing, I don't think it would be happening to this many people when they tried to log in.

I tried to get in to report it, but it won't keep me in gaia long enough. >.<
2010-01-23 19:47:11 UTC
Mine's doing the same thing. It goes to Gaia's homepage for like 3 seconds then redirects me. Ugh.
Angel Anarchy(:
2010-01-22 12:34:08 UTC
That happened to me too D:< Well Rest assured, it's not malwear. it's just the computer's way of saying it can't find the site. I can log in to Gaia and everything, but it only redirects me when I try to get my daily chance. I think the best thing to do is report our problem to some NPC... And forfeit some daily chances ;3
Terry S
2010-01-23 08:13:48 UTC
Okay I fixed it on my computer. Open up (or try to open) excite, Gaia or whatever site you're being redirected from. Now go to the top of the page and click on "Tools". Scroll down to "Manage Add-ons" and click on it. You now have a list of all your add-ons. Click on each one and go to the bottom right and click on "Disable". Disable every one of your add-ons. Close it and reopen the site . It now should stay open. Now slowly start enabling each item that looks trustworthy. One at a time and close, open your site and see if it stays. Slow process but continue doing this until you find the culprit an leave it disabled. Understand?
2010-01-24 22:24:43 UTC
Your can't find safe high scanner in the website so it will think it a virus of something. The only think to do is to go to your TOOLS section at the top right corner of the Internet Exploder. Then scroll down until you find the INTERNET OPTIONS. Go to Security and click it. Next go to the Trusted Sites and click it. Next click the SITES button and disable the "Require server verification (:http//) for all sites zone. Finally you put and enjoy your time in GAIA.
2010-01-22 19:31:23 UTC
It happens to me as well, I have a feeling it's a problem with Gaia itself. I've run multiple virus scans today, and removed all the harmful things on the very first one. All the others have come out clean.
2010-01-23 06:55:42 UTC
I seem to be having this issue as well,

but the computers at school seem to be working fine, so i am going to try to go to the library at our school (which also happens to be a public library) and use a computer there.

I just wish to know whats causing this.

Add me when you can on gaia, username is: Remedy Forgotten
2010-01-23 09:12:16 UTC
It's happening to me too!!!

I am super pissed and I NEED to get on gaia, it's the only website I acually go on....


We all need to report this to gaia somehow

I bet if they notice how many people are dealing with this they will fix it.

If any of you find a solution to this stupid mess e-mail me or add me on gaia


Gaia: meggymegnot4u
2010-01-22 07:27:57 UTC
From all the other answers, looks like other people are having the same problem too.

It might be the beta thing that they're doing for the site, that one that you can do all these new features with. It's probably a problem occuring or something, like the S.I.N. vs B.O.O. glitch with the scores. Hopefully the moderators and admins are trying to figure out the problem and fix it, and soon.
Chewy C
2010-01-21 18:13:45 UTC
I have the same problem

What's weird I was able to go to my pro(must have to clck it fast)

And it didnt redirect me

Probably cause it has media stuff in it?

I even scan my computer and stuff

Probably it's gaia doing?
happy home
2010-01-22 22:00:04 UTC
me too! i just looked it up and i brought me here. i was just trying to log on to my gaia. oh and once this super annoying thing goes away wanna add me? im XxXxXxpie loverxXxXxX I'm like what the heck!!!! awww man gaia's the only website im actually on right now crud!
2010-01-22 18:18:32 UTC
Mine does that

But liek within 10 secs of me being there

I think its all the Ads

I cant get on my gaia ;-;

My fishies!

My roleplays!


EDIT:: It's not a virus cuz i just scanned my comp ($200 software) and found nothing!!

My friend is on still though, grrrr...
2010-01-24 15:42:54 UTC
Ya the same thig is STILL happening to me.It started like a week ago.Now it is keep on directing me to a Dell Search Page saying "Other Related Sites". My friends said that it's eather Scripters or a virus (cookies etc.) Help plz?
2016-05-26 11:29:24 UTC
We can all go into one of the yahoo game rooms that have a chatroom at the bottom of the screen. We could go pick a room out of Pyramids, JT Blocks or Mahjong Solitaire. Lets say we all want to go into JT Blocks and meet in the Block Ness Monster Room. Go in there first and check it out and see which ID, name of yours shows up on the side colume of all the player in there. Then start emailing or IMing each other and met in there every day or night, which ever you prefer. You might want to check out another room or five or six or a different game. We can chat our hearts out in there and all at one time. You can get about 80 people in one room !!!!! We can play the game as we chat too !!! See what you all think and I hope you include me too !!!!! lol
Hailey I
2010-01-22 15:54:43 UTC
Wow...alot of people are having the same problem...0_0;; I hope Gaia fixes whatever is going on soon. D=
2010-01-22 10:58:27 UTC
I tryed fixing it wont stop with me.I downloaded something ment for the problem it just wont stop.I cant get on gaia anymore because of the stupid problem.this is the 2nd thime its happened to me.
2010-01-23 18:14:20 UTC
yeah, it just happened to me too!!!

i keep refreshing and i even downloaded that malware thingy; didnt wrk!!!

all my other buddies on gaia arnt having the issue though, and i was just on a diff computer


and only this one had an issue, not the other computer...

what's going on?

messege me please


add em on gaia?

Sk8r Grl HamTaro

*with spaces XD*
2010-01-22 01:01:34 UTC
I'm fighting the same thing right now on my brother's computer. He said he downloaded something called fastsearch on facebook and now he's redirected to search for this site on facebook too. So yea, maybe it has something to do with their beta connection?
2010-01-21 14:26:39 UTC
I don't think it's a virus or any malware the same thing keeps happening to me on that site. ONLY that site and a few other members have complained as well. I think it's best we report it within the site.
2010-01-23 08:45:51 UTC
(Terry S). I can't find the tools on gaia, Do you mean like in the Account Peferences. Like where you change your name and stuff. And I looked everwhere for tools but it goes her in like 10 seconds.

You can add me on yahoo for IM so it will be easyer.
2010-01-22 06:25:19 UTC
What is wrong with gaia?

its never done this before

i can never see any of my pms or comments cuz it makes me go to this site

WTF is that?
2010-01-21 21:05:48 UTC
this is also is happening to me i think the website its getting malware from a hacker or virus distributer the but know i can't get on my role plays and i really want to smack whoever made this kind of mal ware its a pain in the butt ><

i even scan my computer to make sure but its not that ....yet my friend an dsome girl who pm me is on =_=
2010-01-21 14:50:55 UTC
This happened to me too just a couple of minutes ago, but my computer couldn't get there, so it just looked like I had searched it. I tried 'InPrivate Browsing' and for once it didn't try to direct me there.
2010-01-22 19:23:36 UTC
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one having this problem, but the worst thing is I can't even get on to alert the admins about it!...I started a discussion on their facebook page but I'm not sure who MODs that site...
Elizabeth S
2010-01-22 09:54:41 UTC
i think it has something to do with that new beta link toolbar they were making. it seems that whenever i hover my cursor over the link bar. i get directed to that wierd link.

((the link/toolbar im talking about is the thing that says "my gaia,shops, world, etc." ))
2010-01-21 21:18:47 UTC
I really don't believe that its a virus or anything like that -____-

I scanned my computer twice and nothing was wrong.

I guess its just the webstie gaiaonline thats doing that :/

I just log in then in like 10 sec it takes me there!

So pissed off right now D:<
Rose S
2010-01-21 18:30:17 UTC
I'm having this same problem on two other computers as well. Could it have to do with the Betas that they're testing?
2010-01-23 18:12:51 UTC
It happened to me on my laptop, but then I switched to my desktop and it worked. So later I tried my laptop again, and still happened. I don't know whats wrong!

This has happened to me a few times in the past, but I just had to wait a while and it was fine. :(

It's still happening to me! grrr
2010-01-22 16:42:47 UTC
I think that if you have firefox then that makes it go to the adrevolver thing
2010-01-21 18:24:33 UTC
I know! It's doing the exact thing to me and I'm ready to through my pc across the room!!! Ugh i hope you get an answer soon!
2010-01-24 16:06:55 UTC
it has happened to me also and when I try and contact gaia they don't respond. what can be done.
2016-05-16 03:28:10 UTC
Most of individuals find that there are always challenges in their course and that luck does not favor them at vital turning points.
2010-01-22 22:08:40 UTC
This is happening to me right now.

Sh t

I wanna start a 20k contest but I cant because of this

2010-01-23 19:09:22 UTC
It's happening to me too!

Perhaps something went wrong with the site and it's being fixed?

It confuses me...-.-
2010-01-21 19:51:06 UTC
Yeah that happened to me too. I just reformatted my laptop too, and now I'm scanning it.

I think it is best to scan your computer, just in case if its Malware.
2010-01-21 16:20:42 UTC
its happening to me as well..right now

and its pissing me off.

ive ran all kind of spyware scans on my computer

and it still has not worked im just as confused as you.

i cant get on my gaia...T_T
2010-01-21 14:06:38 UTC
sounds like malware try downloading installing and running malwarebytes.

It should remove the problem.

the free version
2010-01-21 18:11:18 UTC
this happened to me to!! it happened a couple weeks ago so i restored my computer and it stopped but now its happening again..if u find out how to make it stop email me
2010-01-23 13:55:55 UTC




2010-01-22 08:04:07 UTC
mine 2! its really pissing me off and thats how i found this question, is it like a bug in the site?
2010-01-22 19:05:00 UTC
i'm getting the same problem ... its annoying and frustrating .. i want to fling my labtop but then id REALLY be screwed from boredom
2010-01-22 13:01:24 UTC
same with me dose ennoy one know what is going on?
mee codyy
2010-01-22 22:47:10 UTC
i really feel like breaking my computer its really pissing me off BAD
2010-01-21 17:10:54 UTC
this has happend too me too with only this site
Antonio R
2010-01-23 10:05:26 UTC
Same is goin on here idk wut to do and it happen to me about 5 times and nuffin is wroug with my computer gaia needs to fix it asap
2010-01-22 00:29:18 UTC
I guess I.m not the only one then... I have the same problem and it's really pissing me off...Could anyone please help?
Christina P
2010-01-23 10:38:21 UTC
I tried the advice that Kaiba125 and it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks alot Kaiba :-D

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