I just got an e-mail from service@paypal.com. It says that my account access has been limited because it is possible that a third party may have accessed my account. It tells me I need to visit their Resolution Center to resolve the problem and restore full access to my account again. I clicked on the link to the resolution center, logged in, and it told me that PayPal is performing regular routine security maintenance and that sometimes certain "random" accounts get selected for this process. It then asks me to enter in a bunch of personal information in order to gain full access to my account again. The e-mail went to my spam folder, which I thought was wierd. However, the bottom of the e-mail stated that with certain ISP's, it is a safety feature.
So, has anyone else with PayPal ever gotten this? Is this a routine procedure for them? I just want to know if it's legit before I start entering personal information.
Any help is appreciated! :)