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Turing of SP2 Firewall via registry entry?
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin
"There are several solutions available to disable the firewall
programmatically without extracting the SP2 EXE file.
Here are two ways:
1) Adding the registry values mentioned, this can be done either
before or after SP2 is installed
The registry key path has changed since I posted that post (it is now
WindowsFirewall instead of FirewallPolicy):
\EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)
\EnableFirewall=0 (DWORD data type)
Those registry values are documented in WF_XPSP2.doc
WF_XPSP2.doc "Deploying Windows Firewall Settings for Microsoft
Windows XP with Service Pack 2" is downloadable from
If you want to disable the service as well:
sc.exe config SharedAccess start= disabled
2) The following command line will disable SP2's firewall (must be run
after SP2 is installed and at least one reboot is done):
netsh.exe firewall set opmode mode=disable profile=all
The netsh.exe syntax is also documented in WF_XPSP2.doc.
If you want to disable the service as well:
sc.exe config SharedAccess start= disabled