On top of action-radius suggests, it is also a very good idea to ensure *all* your programs are up-to-date - especially things like Flash and Java. Download Secunia PSI to help you here - it does a very good job of tracking down the latest updates for all your third-party programs and is quite user-friendly.
If you don't use it already, I suggest downloading and using Firefox as your web browser. There are some very good add-ons available for it.
Firefox: http://www.firefox.com/
NoScript add-on - probably the most important add-on you should consider. NS blocks all scripts and active content from running (a very common source of infection) and gives YOU control over which scripts YOU want to allow.
Adblock Plus add-on - blocks ads and pop-ups - another common source of infection.
Web of Trust add-on - helps warn you against malicious web sites.
SpywareBlaster will also help block some dodgy sites and other crap.