I've handled a case very similar to this for someone. Switch to Linux; it's an operating system that is very, vey secure! Hackers use it, so they can hack, but can't be hacked back (easily, at least.) It's very hard to hack Linux, as it's open source and secure. I've linked an image of my desktop, and how it looks. I use Linux Mint 14.1 Debian.
In other words, Linux is used for techy people, programmers or people who don't want to get a virus or get hacked, as it's extremely hard to either get a virus, if ever or get hacked.
If you need help on the installation, feel free to contact me and I can help you switch to Linux.
*** Why Linux is the Most Secure Operating System ***
1) The Root System and Terminal
* Known as privellages. Have you ever tried logging into Linux Mint? ENTER USERNAME: You
must enter manually. SUCCESS, NOW ENTER PASSWORD. It doesn't actually say "Success"
but you must enter both your name and password, much like logging into Gmail or Yahoo.
* Because you cannot run any EXE(ecutable) files on it, most hackers don't take the time to
specifically code for Linux-specific viruses. So an image that downloads a Trojan on Windows will
do nothing to Linux, it's pure and safe. No affect.
* Sorry, password required. Unlike Windows, on Software downloads like for Chrome or Firefox, you
MUST enter your password.
* Encrypted. You can set up 128-bit encryption, much like the Government or FBI would use. So, if
a hacker would try to access, say a file he would find no file. It would be hidden in an encrypted
that is named whatever you want to call it. Let's say you named it Foxy. Someone clicks Proxy, a
A lot of programmers and technicians use this, as well as people who don't want to be hacked or get a virus. Now, I'm not saying you can't, but it's a lot harder. And I mean, a lot. Unless you have some expert hacker who can hack everything, in which case there's nothing you can do, Linux is highly secure.
1 being the worst and 10 the best, this is how secure these operating systems are.
1) Windows: 4.8
2) Linux: 10
Hope this helps! Let me know if you need further assistance.
*** NOTE ***
Try using COMODO Firewall, and see if that helps.