Try This.
Download AdwCleaner from the below link. (This is a direct download link)
or download from the home page as given below.
Double click on the downloaded file (AdwCleaner.exe)
click on Run. (if required by the security warning)
Now click on Delete,
a notification will pop up, click on OK
when deletion has finished a message will pop up,
after reading it click on OK,
you will then get a notification AdwCleaner must restart the computer,
click on ok.
when the computer restarts a text file will open up, close it.
Double click on the downloaded file (AdwCleaner.exe)
click on uninstall then click on yes to remove the utility from your computer.
then run a scan with
Norman Malware Cleaner >
to mop up any thing left. (remove whatever it finds.)
NOTE: AdwCleaner is a reliable removal tool for adware, toolbars,
potentially unwanted programs and Browser Hijackers.
It works with a Search and Deletion method.
No installing required,
It can be easily be removed
by clicking on the ineptly named uninstall button.
The SmartScreen filter in Internet Explorer can block the download of AdwCleaner,
This is obviously a false alarm...
If you encounter this problem,
check out this article
to see how to successfully download AdwCleaner.
AdwCleaner Home Page >
Norman malware cleaner Home Page >