2012-09-01 14:44:16 UTC
I was just recording a song, like any other saturday afternoon, whatever.
However, the phone rings, and my dad walks in several minutes later telling me to go to comman prompt, run, and type in, Eventvwr.
He kept on asking me if they computer was running slowly, and I told him, "no.".
I asked him why he was doing this, and he told me that he was currently on the phone with "Jay" from Microsoft services.
He told me to get off the computer, and he got on it. I knew all about these frauds, and I kept on repeating, "Dont trust them, its a scan". However, my dad is overly stubborn, and never took my word of advice.
So I went to go get a quick drink, and when I came back, he gave them remote access to our PC using Team Viewer, and the guy was supposedly "showing" what our problem was. (Just a list with meaningless words).
He then blacked out our screen, and told my dad that he was "fixing" some problems, and later showed him the programs he had to buy, etc.
I yelled at my dad for being so stupid, and I told my dad to hang up, and tell them that you're no interested, we're fine with Norton antivirus, which he did. He also asked how "Jay" got our number, and he simple hung up.
Is there anything I can do? Because my dad isn't any computer wise, but I am. I did a full system restore to 8/28/12, I told my dad to change all him bank account/email/plan passwords, and to NEVER trust anything like that again.
I'm currently running a system scan, and it's looking good so far.
What I'm concerned about, is that what if he left any permanent malware or anything to get access again? Is there anything else left for me to do? I'm 14, but I did basically everything I could.
I know, I lectured my dad about which types to trust, and he finally recognized his mistake, but is there anything else my computer needs?
I have norton anti-virus, I already did a system restore, and my dad's changed all his account passwords. I even uninstalled the team viewer ****. -.-