How can I disable the intranet firewall at my school on my laptop? Can I use about:config?
2010-03-22 03:29:35 UTC
I use Firefox on mac osx and I want to be able to use the internet freely at my school.
I have tried turning the firewall on my mac off but the school firewall still prevents a lot of websites; even non-offensive ones. Can I use I use about:config to change my settings and disable this thing? If so then how? It is a Smoothwall firewall btw. massive pain in the ****

Six answers:
2010-03-22 06:29:10 UTC
If your schools IT department has a ounce of knowledge and I am pretty sure they do . a proxy will do nothing but get you infected you can try every setting you like . your ability on the network is still controlled by the server and there is simply no way you are going to get near that thing
2016-04-12 07:35:09 UTC
You should keep them both on because if the belkin one fails then you have the backup on your systems. Usually when you get the errors you are getting you have some additional configurations that needs to taken into account on the windows firewall that haven't been set. This could be because you are using ports that were not used in the past. Can you get by without it, sure but take this into your thoughts. Unless you are confident in your settings on the router and believe no one can get through it to your systems then you have nothing to worry about, however, if by some chance they do get through then any systems on the other side is wide open for someone to poke around in. Not to make you paranoid but it is better to be safe than sorry.
2010-03-22 03:44:28 UTC
No. About:config has nothing to do with it.

You should use a proxy. Expect slow performance and a raft of malware. Don't assume your Mac's Unix base will necessarily protect you, though. Or you could use Sockscap, especially if the issue is that certain *ports* are blocked. Expect to lose your internet access if discovered, though.

Enjoy your buggy and compromized laptop. You think rootkits are Windows-only? Hint: Windows has no concept of 'root'. Unix does.
2010-03-22 03:35:27 UTC
No, you can't. The only way would be for you to hack the schools servers and create an exception in it's firewall for your system. But of course hacking the school servers can get you put in jail, kicked out of school and all of the other things that come with that. They put the firewall up so that THEY get to decide what THEIR system gets used for. You want to use the internet freely at your school?? Buy a 3G wi-fi card and PAY to get what you want instead of trying to leech off of the school to use THEIR system to do what you want.
2010-03-22 03:46:59 UTC
Unless you can get full access to the network router or filter software running on the intranet web server, you'll be hard pressed to use the internet freely.

The only work around I know would be to use a proxy-server or proxy-browser.

The browsers are easy to find and use, but they are bit annoying due to adds, compatibility, and speed.

Firefox has a built in options for proxy-servers, but you'll need to find a proxy-server that you can use as your network, ISP, or nation may filter your results.

Go to -

1. Tools

2. Options

3. "Advanced" tab

4. Settings

and you'll find where to put the proxy-server information.

Good luck.
2010-03-22 03:34:10 UTC
you could try using a proxy or a vpn service

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