There may be one more infection assosiated with it.
. To check it's presence you have to do one thing.
In Windows XP
Click on the start meanu and press on Run.
Inside the Run window type CMD and press on Okay.
In the black Command Window type
NETSH WINSOCK RESET and hit on enter.
If you get a message
"Sucessfully reset the Winsock Catalog.
You must restart the machine in order to complete the reset." then you are safe.
If not your computer is infected. The only solution to fix it is a Fresh Installation.
In Windows Vista and Windows 7
Click on the Start Menu and in the Search box type CMD
At the top you can see a CMD file. Just right click on that file and select Run as
In the black Command Window type
NETSH WINSOCK RESET and hit on enter.
If you get a message
"Sucessfully reset the Winsock Catalog.
You must restart the machine in order to complete the reset." then you are safe.
If not your computer is infected. In windows Vista and Windows 7 a successful system restore
will fix the issue. Try a system restore to a good point.
After a successful system restore try to do the same step again.
If you got the message "Sucessfully reset the Winsock Catalog.
You must restart the machine in order to complete the reset." your computer is safe and secure.