Adware.OneStep is a malicious tool that installs on your Web browser as a plug-in and displays pop-ups, advertisements and banners. It displays advertisements of products from third-party domains and changes the home search page of your Web browser. Adware.OneStep installs discreetly without your consent and without knowing its actual function. Removing this tool involves not only uninstalling it, but removing all its associate files and registry values to prevent it from reinstalling.
Click the Windows "Start" button, then click "Control Panel."
Double click "System" and click the "System Restore" tab. Place a check on "Turn off System Restore." Click "OK" and restart your computer.
Launch your anti-virus protection program and update it to obtain the latest virus and spyware definitions. If you do not have an anti-virus program, download Kaspersky free trial and install it on your computer. Launch the program and update it. Or, Hit Man Pro. 6 AV engines working together.
Run a full system scan. Delete all detected files.
Click the "Start" button and click "Run." Type "regedit" and press "Enter." This will bring you to the registry window.
Click "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" on the left panel and click "Software." Click "Microsoft" and click "Windows." Click "CurrentVersion" and click "Uninstall." Right click "OneStep" and click "Delete."
Click "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" and click "Software." Right click "OneStep" and click "Delete."
Click "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" and click "System." Click "CurrentControlSet" and click "Services." Right click "OneStep Service" and click "Delete." Exit the registry and empty the "Recycle Bin."
Follow the steps above to re-enable system restore. Restart your computer. This adware should be completely removed from your computer.