You need Fresh unblocked Proxies everyday, as Proxies tend to become blocked in a matter of days.
This is the Official Unblock Myspace Yahoo Proxy Group that my friends and I use and most of the Proxies work like a charm.
Hope this helps.
Good Luck!
To receive FRESH unblocked Proxies everyday in your email inbox JOIN the Official Unblock Myspace Yahoo Proxy Group!
You will never have to search the net or post on Yahoo Answers looking for a new Proxy again!
Simply JOIN our FREE group, and you'll receive a few new Proxies everyday.
If the above link is blocked simply send a blank email to:
unblock-myspace-subscribe @
and you will be added to our exclusive Family.
We guarantee you will not be disappointed. Simply click on the link above and join our Yahoo Group.
Join our Family.
***This is a STRICTLY moderated group, and you will never receive SPAM or anything else other than Proxies.