This link details the solution that worked for me:
Link reads:
We've got infected by this IE Defender crap and I've read many Temporary Solutions or Total Removals, Just read here to see both solutions.
They are either listed as IR9V0_QCX.dll OR bDivX.dll
*Solution One
Go to Internet Explorer
Go to Manage Add Ons
Find bDivX.dll(In My Case IntelVideo - IR9V0_QCX.dll)
Disable It
OR (Still Solution One)
Go to Internet Explorer
Go to Internet Options >> Advance Tab
Reset Browser to disable ALL ADD-ONs
Solution Two
Find bDivX.dll(In my case IR9V0_QCX.dll) In the Windows 32 folder
Once found IR9V0_QCX.dll OR bDivX.dll >> Delete It
Now in Solution Two, the Spyware/Virus is now REMOVED and it did not damage anything BECAUSE the IE Defender Spyware is actually a Spyware Plug In for Internet Explorer
* = Only a Temporary Solution, will not TOTALLY remove the IE Defender Spyware from your computer
Hope this helps,