2007-03-12 17:31:37 UTC
I opened terminal and issued the following commands:
cd /Volume/EXTDRIVE/
chmod -R 700 myfolder
The idea was to set the folder myfolder to read/wrtie/execute for me only and stop access to any others. The command seemed to work and all permissions were set as I had intended.
I then logged off and logged onto another user's account on the mac mini and that user could see and manipulate any file under myfolder -i.e. the permissions just seemed to belong to whoever was logged on and not to the original username.
I am so confused. I have been using unix a long time and this used to be sufficient to protect my files. Now with OS X 10.4 there seems to be no protection.
Oddly enough I cannot browse other user's documents folder for example -so the scheme is available but I cannot fathom it.
Can someone enlighten me?