Rosana Q
2009-07-22 11:54:18 UTC
She would be dropped off/picked up by her nanny during the hours of teaching at any location you want the tutoring to take place in your area. You would be receiving a money order drawn from a bank in the US from my business associates in the US. Since i am from Dubai and right now am in Cuba for a business trip the payments won't be honored in any bank there in Dubai or here in Cuba.
These Money order would be made out for the cost of the tutorial services you are rendering, and also for the living expense, nanny fees of my Daughter .I hope I can trust you with these payments. All you have to do is deposit and cash the payment at your bank; deduct your tutorial service fee, which should be $50 per hour times 12 a Month = $600. I would include an additional $100 for run around fee and any additional text book you might be needing equivalent to $700 is what you deduct from the money order. The remaining balance after deducting the $700 should be sent via Money Gram or Western Union transfer to the Nanny. The Nanny will be contacting you with further arrangements and instructions regarding pickup/drop off of my daughter to the library where you would always teach her. I hope I can trust you that you will teach my daughter good academics and some moral respects so she can be good to herself in the future, I hope I can count on you for the tutorial and the money to be sent to the Nanny. I look forward to read a detailed message from you containing the following information, if you are OK with my arrangements.
STREET ADDRESS ( No PO Box Please ). :
Kindly send your information to me @
N.B My Daughter Name is Faith Landefeld. , She is actually coming to the US for sight seeing, but while she is here I want her to study at the same time.She understand English; can write and read fluently I just need her to improve her writing AND comprehension
Thanks for your Understanding.