How do I remove the Conficker worm?
If your computer is infected with the Conficker worm, you may be unable to download certain security products, such as the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool or you may be unable to access certain Web sites, such as Microsoft Update . If you can't access those tools, try using the Windows Live safety scanner .
Run the Malicious Software Removal tool
The Microsoft Malware Protection Center has updated the Malicious Software Removal tool (MSRT). This is a stand-alone binary that is useful in the removal of prevalent malicious software, and it can help remove the Win32/Conficker malware family.
Note The MSRT does not prevent reinfection because it is not a real-time antivirus program.
You can download the MSRT from either of the following Microsoft Web sites: ( (
Read full steps to remove and prevent confiker