I bought my laptop about 4 months ago and recently have been having a lot of trouble with viruses. I already had Norton installed, however this doesnt seem to be doing much. I downloaded numerous anti virus software as well as purchasing spyware doctor, and although they have detected and deleted viruses, i am still having problems. The internet is VERY slow, as well as the start up and shutdowns. Also, messages from windows keep popping up saying that certain progams ie. skpe have stopped working due to a "problem", and i am constantly having to restart my computer due to it freezing, or failing to open programs such as itunes and limewire. As my computer is new and i have only used about 15% of space on the hard drive, i cant blame my problems on a lack of space. The only solution i can think of is to just back up my files and wipe the hard drive, however i am not sure how to do this, and dont want to wipe windows from it. My laptop came with windows vista already installed on it, so does that mean it will stay on there if i wipe the hard drive? Can anyone help me out?