2013-12-08 12:26:01 UTC
Stranger: IC3.gov VIOLATION NOTICE: I need to inform you that we are associated with the Cybercrime Police Association and we have recently been monitoring users on Omegle™ as part of criminal investigations. We have received too many complaints from your IP address that you have been using this website for unlawful activities which as described below regardless of your country:
- Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or coercion.
- Enticing a minor for sexual purposes
- Transportation generally
- Coercion and enticement
- Transportation of minors
- Use of interstate facilities to transmit information about a minor
- Sexual Exploitation of Children
(Production of child pornography)
- Selling and Buying of Children
- Certain activities relating to material involving the sexual exploitation of minors
(Possession, distribution and receipt of child pornography)
- certain activities relating to material constituting or containing child pornography
All activities from your webcam stream are being conducted through police databases to save your identification. Screenshots and videos are being legally taken from your webcam to save your identification. Any photograph or video depicting child sexual abuse visibly broadcasted on your webcam will be used as contraband.
In addition, your personal information has been forwarded to law enforcement and will be collected to save your identification. Your Internet Service Provider will be notified prior to 48 hours.
A direct response cannot be sent to this notice. Please contact one of our agents at the website below or by following telephone number:
Internet Cybercrime Police Complaint Center: