Hacking is a computer art of penatrating security and finding security holes to get access to a computer. With all the insecure stuff that was added to technology like internet hacking could possibly by easy. There is many ways to hack, web based hacking can include MYSQL injection, PHP hacking, and bruteforcing. Though here we prefer to hack computers since through hacking a coputer you can get all information. The first thing you must know to do computer hacking is about OS's. Also programming languages, and much more about security.
To hack just learn MS-DOS and some machine code with some C++. You don't really need MS-DOS and machine code to hack but if you're planning on hacking really secure government stuff then you need them to get location info then IP and develop on that with encrypted information. How you hack any computer or server (servers are pretty easy) is find a open protocol and port of their IP and begin a dictionary attack. If their server or computer has dictionary attack security freeze it since when a dictionary attack is prevented the computer is usually halted for a few hours. They may have a detector like they know when these passwords are tried its a dictionary attack:
But if you make a good app that tries them in a order like this it won't be detected:
You need C++ knowledge, it is possible to make a really good brute forcer without having to make a TXT list just a program that tries all password's just haven't seen anybody make one yet. You might need a really good computer to hack or maybe even 10 really good ones (if you wanna be the world best hack 10 lol) but there is other things you can hack in other ways. Web based hacking, PHP & Javascript (GAH, its retarded and annoyinger and longer yet easier)
For example, there is ways to penetrate database security with Javascript by typing a javascript code when you're at hotmail.com that makes you receive the password or translate MD5 passwords. Or you can hack into police websites and stuff and get peoples information by typing in a PHP code that somehow gets the information to you or something on the login. Alot of websites have bugs like that but I have to tell you buddy, security is getting so tough someday they'll trash all computers and make it impossible to hack anything, this will probably last MAXIMUM 30 years till its not possible unless they make some sort of black market device to access them through the internet and world wide web.
Brute forcing is a program that tries all possible passwords but if there is security you can force it off by freezing the account with a mixed password pattern until they remove security. As I said, it won't be frozen if the password was "zoolio" and the computer detected this pattern of attemped passwords:
But it would work with scattered like this:
You can also find a vunerability or security hole. Like vista, it has a security hole where it has a automatic remote access protocol and if a vista has a simple username and no password you are in. You can make your own app to do this remote access thing and the security is out! This means you must also know a OS just a well as programming to hack it. I use vista (pretty secure) and it does have that security hole I just mentioned. Security holes are the most easy and best ways to hack. Though there is a protocol all computers have with no brute force security security holes are much faster. A example of a security hole would be if you try to get into a computer with their IP and it says you can't view the files yet when you open CMD in the remote access through a protocol or just internet or file you can view everything.
Injection is the best and easiest way to hack, google it. With injection all you gotta do is get them to visit a webpage or hack their internet and inject. Its undectable usually cause there is javascript codes that can give access to anothers computer if they run it or apps written in javascript so its prettty simple
This would force any security immediately off. Learn some C++ and MS-DOS and when you're a master at those 2 learn machine code then take a while making apps and say after a years of knowing all three of these you can call yourself a hacker. Try to learn PHP and JavaScript along the way and if you have no computer experience with programming then if I were you I'd start with HTML.
Brute forcing usually does work if you make a automated program to switch IP every one password try. The server may detect IP information so you may need a automated program to switch to using someone elses IP every try and you need to be a good hacker or the internet can't have security.
Though some protocols have brute force security all platforms that are not windows usually have all the insecure protocols and accessing protocols don't have brute force security for servers there is always the unstoppable DoS at