i forgot my miscosoft administrator password help!!!!?
2006-07-02 14:37:53 UTC
hey i forgot my administrator password does any1 kno how i can get it back without having to buy anything an without loosing any just a website that can find my password please i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twelve answers:
2006-07-02 14:46:30 UTC
You'll have to do some searching but there are Linux boot CD's you can download and burn that were put together specifically to fix your problem. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of any of them at the moment........

Ok finally remebered one:
2006-07-02 21:43:13 UTC
Try Hacking Your Own PC :P J/k

Maybe Try A System Resore before you put a password up?

Otherwise your almost never gonna be able to do it.

you may have to do a complete fresh copy of windows.. you gotta keep that password somewhere you can find it.

PS to the lady asking how she got on:

she may be at a friends house or maybe shes not using administration login.
2006-07-03 01:36:23 UTC
i had the same problem before. What I did is run my system in safe model and login as the default administrator( The Super Administrator Account). and change my administrator password '

Here's some step . I hope can help you.

1) Restart your pc and press F8 after hardware check and before your operatimg system loaded. ( when pc starts to run there the first scren you will see is a scren includes productor symbol like DELL and your processor's symbol. In some other motherbord bassed pc it may looks more like a DOS scren; Press F8 after it and before you see the system symbol like Windows XP. But if there are more than one operating systems installed on your pc. that is much easier, just press F8 when you see the run menu)

2) After that step you will see a menu that ask you which model do you want to run as. Choice "Safe Model" (Normally that is on the top of scren) and press Enter.

3) if there is only one operating system installed on your pc, then please straight go to step 4. Choice which OS do you want to run under safe model and press Enter.

4) When the OS loaded you will see more than one administrator accounts on your pc. One is that which you forget its password and one is the default account which you cannot see normally and has no password. Log into it and change your account's password in "Control Panel"\ " All Users"\ your account\ "Change Password" or " Disable Password"

NOTE this willl delete some of your current password file. please back it before you do it.

I hope this will help you.

Good Luck!
2006-07-02 22:08:38 UTC
Startup the computer and click F2, F4, F6, F8 or F12 (can't remember which one) and it will open a menu and you will choose start in safe mode. When it comes on click Administrator, then control panel user accounts and create a new account then once you create a new administrator account, reboot the computer normally, log onto your new account then go into My Computer, C drive, Documents and Settings, open the same thing in two windows, then open up your old account folder, and your new account folder (in seperate windows of course) and drag all the files (highlight) from your old account into the folder of your new account :)
2006-07-02 21:41:45 UTC
ur a real genius!! lol. sorry, i have no idea. i really wish i could help. i think that happened to me once too. do you have any other administrator accounts on that computer?? if so, then you can save yourself from there, by changing the password of the other administrator.
2006-07-02 21:41:42 UTC
you are screwed. Microsoft out allot of security policies on the administrator's password so miss-users cannot hack anything and damage your system.

you may need to erase our drive and reload windows.

only then insert an easy password during setup!!
2006-07-02 21:45:25 UTC
ignore them. half don't have a clue and the other half are pulling your leg.


2006-07-02 21:41:18 UTC
thats simple just remember your password then type it in. end of story.
2006-07-02 21:43:43 UTC

Episode 10
Jimmy James
2006-07-02 21:44:21 UTC
i think there is a way for u but just reformat n reinstall
2006-07-02 21:41:09 UTC
you can't sorry, just make new account by going to safe mode.
2006-07-02 21:38:47 UTC
Good question.......but how are you here?!

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